Jesus went to ‘boot camp’ immediately after He was baptized by John in the Jordan River. (Mark 1:12-13). I’m led to believe His hair may have still been wet. What do we like to do these days with newly baptized converts? Oftentimes, we get them ‘plugged in to ministry’ with the hopes they will ‘grow in Christ’ and keep coming back. We seem to think it’s important for folks to begin exercising their ‘giftings’ for the kingdom of God, so we get them singing or playing drums or guitar or working in children’s ministry, etc. I’m not here to debate common church practices today and what churches should or shouldn’t be doing. But I do think we have missed some vital parts that have crippled many sincere converts and if we are not careful, we could make them a ‘two-fold child of hell’ that Jesus accused the Pharisees of doing with new converts. (Matt. 23:15) So just what is this ‘boot camp’ I speak of? I would submit to you for prayerful study that it has everything to do with te...