It was an interesting observation that Paul pointed out there in Romans 2 that can easily go unnoticed if we are in a hurry to ‘finish the chapter’ so we can check off our daily Bible reading box. It came right after that verse where he states that “not the hearers of the law who are just in the sight of God, but the doers...of the law will be justified.” (13). Yeah, that one makes our heads hurt as well. But, he continues on...

“...for when the Gentiles who do not have the law, by nature do...the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves who show the work of the law written in their hearts...” (13-14)

God said He was going to do that, you know – write His law on our hearts and minds, and then cause us to ‘do them’. (Heb. 10:16; Ezek. 36:26-28). Take a second and go mark that passage from Ezekiel in your Bible if you would. It’s a good one. ;-)

So now we have these Gentiles (non-Jews) coming to the Lord and being filled with God’s Spirit. Remember Cornelius and his household? (Acts 10)

These Gentiles were not schooled in God’s law, given they were not raised with it like the Jews were, and yet...Paul is commending them because they are now... instinctively fulfilling the law of God, and it is evident by their transformed lives; or should I say the ‘fruit’ they were bearing? And what did Jesus say would make it clear who His disciples were in John 13:34-35, by the ‘love they had’?

And just to be clear here, what is the fulfillment of all of God’s law? We are to love Him with all our hearts and in turn... love others as Christ loved us. (Luke 10:26-28; Matt. 22:36-40; Rom. 13:8-10)

If only it were that easy, you say? Well, it can sure be a lot easier to do when we are abiding in Him and allowing His grace to empower us to live this out for it is ‘only by grace’..., right? (Titus 2:11-14)

You see, IF...we are truly being led by His Spirit, He is going to deal with all that ‘junk’ in our hearts that prevents us from loving as Christ loved us. Call it ‘boot camp’ if you will, but for one reason or another, modern day church teachings decided this ‘boot camp’ was not necessary so we just started putting new coverts in to ‘service’ to help our churches grow. And we are paying a price for it today.

But IF...we are truly being led by His Spirit, then genuine fruit will arise, and remain, and it is only then that we can see the genuine power of God manifested in our lives. (Rom. 8:13-14, & vs. 4; John 154-5,16) More on this tomorrow, Lord willing...of course. ;-)


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