Disregarding or ignoring laws is never a wise idea, whether you agree with them or not. That would include traffic laws, civil and criminal laws and yes, even the ‘law’ of gravity.

It’s easy to identify folks who have done this too. I see a lot of them that continue to run red lights just because they were in a hurry. Folks who ‘have no king’ tend to do ‘what is right in their own eyes.’ (Judges 17:6; Proverbs 12:15; 14:12; 21:2) That usually does not end well.

But what about God’s laws? Is it possible we ‘people of faith and grace’ have done that ourselves...’set aside the commandments of God’ (Mark 7:8-9) as if they did not apply to us anymore?

“What law”, you ask. The one God set in place 430 years after He established covenant with Abraham. He added it because of sin. (Gal. 3:17,19)

And one of the things Jesus made rather clear at the onset of His ministry was He had not come to do away with or to abolish God’s law, but rather to fulfill it. (Matt. 5:17). For some peculiar reason, multitudes of people have concluded that because Jesus ‘fulfilled the law’, that somehow they are ‘exempt’ from doing the same themselves. Friends...nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, because of this misguided conclusion, many people today have experienced much needless pain and suffering that has affected not only them, but their children. Take a close look at Hosea 4:6.

I should also clear up any confusion here that we are not talking about the dietary laws and rituals and blood sacrifices which the Jews lived under in OT days. For a nice summary of what all encompasses God’s law, you might visit Luke 10:25-28 and Matt. 22:35-40.

So IF...God still has laws in effect today that would apply to us, how might they actually affect us...if/when we break them? I would submit to you there is no difference than when we break other laws today- there are penalties and consequences. (John 5:14; Gal. 6:7-8)

Not only did obeying God’s laws come with promises of incredible blessings, they also came with stern warnings of ‘curses’ when broken or violated. (Deut. 28). And let’s not forget that Paul continued to have great respect for God’s law. (Rom. 7:12; 1 Tim. 1:8-11)

Gaining a better understanding to this truth might answer a few questions for you.


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