You go to church faithfully every week, and your neighbor doesn’t go at all. By chance, you both get stopped for speeding within a mile of your homes on the same day this week, maybe within an hour of each the same traffic cop. Your neighbor is issued a speeding ticket with a $225 fine. You, on the other hand tell the officer that you go to church and believe in Jesus, before apologizing to him for speeding. He in turn gives you a warning ticket and sends you on your way. No ticket, no fine...and your record stays clean.

In what world, does this even make sense or sound like ‘justice’?

And yet, that is pretty much the ‘spin’ many ‘Christians’ today offer up to explain, if not justify, why they continue to sin on a regular basis.

“Everybody sins because we are sinners! Nobody is perfect, even ‘believers’; we are just forgiven and our sins no longer count against us because of what Jesus did on the cross. We just get off because we go to Him and tell Him we are sorry and He is quick to forgive us.” #ChristianTalkingPoints. Sounds good, but it simply does not line up with scripture.

Again, I ask – In what world does this even make sense or sound like justice? I think we might want to go back and revisit some of this skewed ‘theology’ one more time because I believe many have been deceived. (For the record - That’s the way I ‘used’ believe!)

The very fact that we admit to ‘sinning’ is evidence that God’s laws still stand today, because the very act of ‘sinning’ is to break those laws. (1 John 3:4) That’s what sin is – it’s lawlessness. Were you aware the reason many will be turned away in that ‘day’ is because in spite of all their great religious works done in ‘His Name’, they continued to ‘practice lawlessness’. (Matt. 7:22-23) They kept...on....sinning! (Breaking God’s laws)

If you have been led to believe that you will always remain ...a ‘sinner’ (“saved by grace”) and you will always continue to ‘sin’, then verses like that last one, along with many others simply make no sense as they do not fit with your current ‘theological beliefs’; hence my reason for suggesting we might want to go back and re-examine some things most of us were taught.

Why would Jesus tell that man and woman, on separate occasions, to ‘go and sin no more’; with a warning to the man He healed that ‘something worse might happen to him (John 8:11; 5:14)...if He didn’t think it was possible for them (or us) to do so? He didn’t tell them to ‘try harder to sin less’. He said: Sin. No. More.

If you have been taught that this is impossible, then may I ask: “Who told you that?” (Gen. 3:11). Because if you are abiding in Jesus (John 15:1-8) and have truly been ‘born of God’, you won’t continue to practice sin and break God’s laws. (1 John 3:6,9 5:18) do sin (not when), then yes, forgiveness is available. But that does not mean there won’t be a ‘ticket’ issued. (1 John 2:1; John 5:14; Heb. 12:7-11; 1 Cor. 11:30-32)


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