So why do you suppose so many sincere believers hit a wall in their walk and come to a place where they are convinced that ‘Christianity is not working for them’?

I would submit that some vital steps were left out in their early training and they are paying for it down the road. Imagine if you would a young 18-19 year old signs up to enlist in the Navy or Army and envision themselves working in a Special Forces outfit like the S.E.A.L.S or Rangers. Then, by some fluke mistake their paperwork gets lost or mixed up and it is just assumed they have gone through their basic training (which they haven’t) and are then deployed on some special mission overseas. Next thing you know, they are being sent home in a body bag having had their head blown off the first week after they were deployed.

What happened? Probably the same thing that happens to many converts today who are encouraged to go out and ‘fulfill their destiny in God’ before having even dried off after their water baptism. They missed out on ‘boot camp’. Yeah...I sense some squirming from some of you out there, but hang with me if you will.

We are told in1 John 2:6 that whoever is abiding in Jesus ought themselves to be walking just as He walked. really says that there. And were you aware that Jesus told us, “most assuredly...that he who believes in Him...the works that He did we would do also and even greater works we would do because HE was going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

Yeah...let that one sink in for a moment.

But please keep in mind, Jesus had His own ‘boot camp’ to go through as well before He began doing all those impressive supernatural works like...cleansing the lepers, healing the sick, casting out devils and raising the dead.

When He was a young 12 year old lad, He may have gotten ahead of things by insisting He ‘needed to be about the Father’s business’, (Luke 2:41-52) but His earthly parents thought otherwise and got Him back home promptly. He then drops off the radar for the next 18 years. At the age of 30, He shows up at the Jordan river to be baptized by His cousin, John. Keep in mind, up to this time, we have no reason to believe or find any evidence in scripture that Jesus had performed any miracles or supernatural acts. (John 2:11)

After Jesus was baptized, He was not ushered straightway to the biggest synagogue in the region to begin preaching at large crusades and camp meetings. We are told He was immediately driven by the Spirit into the wilderness for 40 days to be tested/tempted by Satan. (Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-2). This was His ‘boot camp’ where His heart was to be ‘tested’, just as we too...must be led into the wilderness and have our hearts tested. (Deut. 8:2; 1 Thess. 2:4; Prov. 17:3)

Oh, you didn’t get that memo? Well...that might explain why this ‘Christianity’ has proven to be a struggle for you as well. I hope you join me back here tomorrow. :- )


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