Those 2-letter words, like ‘if’, can often come back to bite you; you know?

That word (if) in particular packs a wallop of truth. First of all, it implies ‘conditions’ are attached to whatever statement it precedes. “IF... you do this, then I’ll do that.”

So allow me to ask a relatively simple question for anyone who professes to be a believer and follower of Jesus. And while I generally tend to shy away from the topic of who is ‘saved’ or not, and focus more on the subject of ‘abiding in Christ’ (John 15:1-8), my question today is this: Outside of being ‘cleansed by the blood of Jesus’ (‘through faith’), what chance does a person have of inheriting ...or entering the kingdom of God?

Hopefully you said ‘none’. So now look at 1 John 1:7 as we are told: “IF...we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

Now back up and read verse 6 as it also begins with an ‘If’. What are we accused of doing ‘if’ we ‘say’ we have fellowship with Jesus but continue to walk in darkness? My Bible states that we ‘lie and do not practice the truth.’ Accusing someone of lying can be rather bold and confrontational, would you not agree? And yet John does it again in the next chapter in vs. 4- “He who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him.” (2:4). Ouch!

I would encourage you to ‘camp out’ for a bit on vs. 3-6 there for more insight. But if... we are not walking in the Light as He is in the light, then can we conclude we are not being ‘cleansed by the blood of Jesus from all sin’. And that becomes a problem.

Just one more passage with that pesky ‘if’ word...that I’d like to direct your attention to- Colossians 1:21-23. What does Paul say is the ‘condition’ if we plan on being ‘presented holy and blameless and above reproach in His sight’...some day? (Hint- the answer begins with an ‘if’ in vs. 23) (What kind of church is He coming back for? Eph. 5:27)

And if the first point of contention that rises up in you is to state: “But nobody can do that!” (walk in the light just as Jesus walked in the light and keep the commandments”)...I have to ask you: “Who told you that?” (Gen. 3:11)

If you don’t believe that is possible, then why quote Phil. 4:13 all the time?

Imagine telling the DPS or DMV officer that there is no way you could ever keep your car in your own lane all the time, and that you will veer into oncoming traffic on a regular basis because you are ‘not perfect’. Any chance they will allow you to keep your license?

Honestly here...the real question we need to ask ourselves: "Is this a matter of us not being 'able' to walk in obedience to Him, or is it more of not 'wanting' to abide in Him?  His commandments are not burdensome IF...we love Him with all our hearts. (1 John 5:3; John 14:15)


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