“But we’re not under the law anymore...we're under grace! It say so right there in Romans 6:14.” (yesterday’s ‘morning nugget’ in case you missed it)

And I will be the first to agree with you on that assessment. But I would also then direct your attention to Gal. 5:18 for further clarification as we are told: “Those who are led by the Spirit...are not under the law.” I’ll give you a moment to put those two together, with a spoiler alert: These two passages are NOT in conflict with each other.

Which then leads to the question of how does one know if they are truly being ‘led by the Spirit’? That would be a great question to address since that is how we can know who the true ‘children of God’ are – they are the ones who are ‘led by the Spirit’. (Rom. 8:14; John 10:27; 13:34-35)

One clue we are told is those who ‘walk in the Spirit will not fulfill the lust of the flesh’. (Gal. 5:16). And in doing so, they fulfill all the righteous requirements of the law. (Rom. 8:4)

Yet most are willing to admit that they do that all the time, as in on a daily basis- (fulfill the lusts and desires of the flesh nature) Well, their honesty is noted and appreciated. Which then leads us to conclude they are not walking in, or being led by the Spirit. That’s not to say or suggest they are not ‘trying’ either.

“Well nobody can do that!”, you say? And who told you that? (Gen. 3:11). Aren’t we quick to quote Phil. 4:13 all the time about how we can “do all things through Christ who strengthens us!”? Granted, Jesus indicated the numbers who would actually walk this way... would be ‘few’. (Matt. 7:13-14) He then goes on to make it clear that those who actually ‘do the will of God...are the ones who will enter His kingdom.” (21-23)

And if the law does not apply to us anymore, then consider these two questions: Why would Paul say “For it’s not the hearers of the law who are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law who will be justified.” (Rom. 2:13). I know...this might make your head hurt, but hang with me.

The second question is this: IF God was not concerned about us fulfilling His laws today, then why make such a big deal telling us how not only was a day coming when He was going to write His laws on our hearts and minds, but then He was going to cause us to obey them? (Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10; 10:16; Ezek. 36:27)

I’m telling you, these are things you really need to give some serious thought to.


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