As many as us have come to discover over the years, when we don’t take care of our physical bodies, suffering will often occur. (health related issues)

On the other hand, as many have come to learn, if/when we do take care of our bodies, suffering will often occur. And it helps to know the difference. I’ve learned an awful lot about this kind of ‘suffering’ since I began working out in a gym with a trainer about six weeks ago. (7 .7.24 Blog Post)

So it is in the kingdom of God. When we continue to sin, suffering can be expected. (Rom. 6:23; John 5:14). Be not deceived...sin opens the door to the enemy and God’s wrath. (Eph. 5:6; 4:27; 1 Cor. 11:30-32; Gal. 6:7-8)

But when we ‘suffer in the flesh’ as we follow God’s Spirit and put to death the very nature that causes us to sin, making us susceptible to temptation...then genuine transformation will result. Because those who have ‘suffered in the flesh have ceased from sin’. (1 Pet. 4:1-2)

This... is the kind of ‘suffering’ we have been called to endure. (1 Pet. 5:9-10; Luke 9:23)

There really is something to that old saying: “No pain, no gain”. We just need to be reminded there are two kinds of ‘pain’ involved’. Either way, there is no escaping the suffering in this life. We just get to choose what kind of suffering we will endure.

It helps to know the difference.


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