Yes, we live in dark times; as has every generation before us lived in or faced dark times.

I still remember the decade of the 1960’s, being only a child then, but this country in particular went through some very dark times. There were three notable assassinations from ’63-‘68, an ugly war that was ripping this country’s soul to shreds, horrible hatred erupting in the south as the spirit of racism and hatred was rearing its ugly head once again, and a drug culture rose to new levels influencing a new generation of young people.

But then there are still folks alive today who would tell you of some pretty dark times this country went through back in the ‘30’s and 40’s as our country went through a difficult depression which then fed into a major war that drug us across two oceans in the opposite direction. My decade of the 1960’s pales in comparison, I would think, to what was happening back then as surprise attacks and atomic bombs and the horrors of the Holocaust darkened our history books. And the sin of racism was continuing its spread like cancer back then as well, but in different and even uglier ways. You can get away with a lot more in an age where there is not live streaming 24/7 because everyone owns a camera ready to record and then post on the internet.

My point is, darkness has always been a part of this world, even ‘gross darkness’.(Isa. 60:2)

One only needs to turn to the opening pages of the Bible and read how at the beginning of creation, the ‘earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.” (Gen. 1:2)

But God has always had a remedy for the darkness. He called it ‘light’, and God saw that light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. (Gen. 1:3-4).

You should note that He did not call the darkness ‘good’, only the light ...He called good, which is why He divided the two.

We read much in our Bibles about this division of light and darkness and of good and evil. We are told of a ‘wicked one’ who actually rules over and influences the ‘whole world’ in 1 John 5:19. This would be the same ‘wicked one’ who has held much of humanity in spiritual captivity ever since sin entered the world. You can read of him and his minions as scripture refers to him as the price of darkness, or the rulers of darkness (Eph. 6:12; 2:2). Paul reminds true followers of Jesus that they were ‘delivered from the power of darkness’. (Col. 1:13).

That is, after all ...what Jesus came to do. He came to a people who ‘sat in darkness and the shadow of death, (Luke 1:70; Matt. 4:16) and He came to ‘open our eyes and to turn us from light, from the power of Satan to God...” (Acts 26:18). Jesus claimed to be the “Light of the world” (John 8:12) and He exhorted us to ‘walk in the light while we have the light with us, lest the darkness overtakes us.” (John 12:35). He reminds us there that those who ‘walk in darkness don’t know where they are going. But to those who actually ‘believe in the light, we are to become children of the light. (36)

Jesus also introduced to us a chilling and difficult ‘truth bomb’ in the form of this revelation: “Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light...and would not come to the light...because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19-20)

Yet, that did not change God’s plan as His invitation has always been to ‘whosoever will...’. Light is still the remedy that overcomes the darkness. We just have to choose to walk in the light as He is in the light. (1 John 1:7)

So the remedy still seems rather ...’simple’; if you don’t want to walk in darkness, find the light...and walk in it. But I guess the real question one might need to consider has to do with how bad one is tired of the darkness, and are they willing to turn completely from the darkness...that they may be made whole. Or as Jesus asked: “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6)

Blind Bartimaeus found the Light. In his hour of darkness, he cried out to the Lord and Jesus stopped in His tracks, had the blind man brought to Him and asked him what he wanted. “I want to see, Lord.” (Mark 10:46-51). And do you know what happened? Jesus restored his sight and he could see...and from that point on, he ‘followed Jesus on the road’. (52)

Did you know that this ‘prince of darkness’, (a.k.a. ‘Satan’) can actually disguise himself as an ‘angel of light’? (2 Cor. 11:14). I’m sure his only intentions for doing so would be to mislead and deceive people from walking in the true Light. Which prompts me to put this out there for...’whosoever’: No human, no parent, no beloved politician or celebrity or spiritual ‘the Light’. The U.S. not the ‘light’ nor is the ‘church building’ you attend...the Light. So if you truly want to be free from the powers of darkness that lead men to destruction and separation from God, you better make sure which ‘light’ you are following and walking in.

The only way one can be completely free of darkness, is to ‘walk in the truth’. (John 8:32,36). And when Jesus was sharing that nugget of truth, He was clear to point, ‘most assuredly....that whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” (34). But because Jesus brought truth...and light...separating the light from darkness, still calling the light good, He also made it clear that man would no longer...”have an excuse for their sin.” (John 15:22)

Have you ever noticed that line before? It’s in John 15 where He was instructing us to ‘abide in Him’. It was not a suggestion. (John 15:4-5). In fact, vs. 6 just really hit home, once again, for me the other morning. “IF anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they ...gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned.”

You see, we are told that God ‘no longer winks at ignorance, but now commands all men, everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:30). Jesus warned emphatically, what would happen if people failed to repent. (Luke 13:1-5). And it was not a ‘threat’ either. We are not always going to ‘have this Light’ (John 12:35), and it is not the will of God for anyone...anyone... anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9).

And that command to ‘repent...and to go and sin no more’ was not a misprint either. (John 5:14; Matt. 4:17,19). He really meant that, just like God has always meant whatever He has said; regardless of what you may have heard from that other ‘angel of light’ who still ‘deceives the whole world’. (Rev. 12:9)

I suppose the case could be made that every generation of people have seen in their time, these ‘waves of darkness’ wash over their land. I think there are a lot of people out there today who are in much angst, fear, uncertainty and even dread. I think many of us felt another one of those ‘waves’ wash over us again...this weekend. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but more waves are coming.

If you are tired of the darkness, and I mean truly done with it, over it, and are looking for the peace and safety of genuine light, then I do have some good news for you. He is still here and is waiting for you. Turn to Him.

I mean, turn and run to Him with your whole heart, no strings attached and surrender to Him.

And if you do, He will meet you there at that place of surrender. (James 4:10; Luke 15:20) I can promise you this as well – You will know it when He does.(Acts 3:19)

But I also need to warn you that He will ‘call your hand’, or ‘test your heart’ to make sure you are for real. (Deut. 8:2; 1 Thess. 2:4). Just be prepared to ‘do whatever He tells you to do’...if you want to see real transformation. (John 2:5)

Oh, and one last thing I should mention...Those ‘things’ He will begin to instruct you in to guide you...will have more to do with ‘unpacking and leaving behind’...those things in your heart, where the real darkness tends to dwell. (Mark 7:21-23). And are genuinely desiring to hear His voice, you will know it, you will hear it...and you better follow Him. (John 10:27). That will be the only way you can be assured of not being ‘snatched from His hands...’ by the powers of darkness. (John 10:28; 12:35)

It's time. What are you waiting for?


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