
Showing posts from October, 2024
  I am probably stepping outside my area of comfort level in understanding here, but bear with me as we began talking yesterday...about the spiritual ‘rebirth’ we must all undergo if we have any hopes or inclination of seeing and entering the kingdom of God. (John 3:3-5) As we all know, medical advancements have increased by leaps and bounds, especially in the area of treating infertility. Many people today have been blessed with the gift of a child by undergoing a process known as ‘in-vitro fertilization’(IVF). Basically, the sperm of the father is injected into the extracted egg of a mother and this takes place in a petri dish or test tube, as in outside the body. The result produces an embryo which is then at some point in time, implanted back into the mother where it attaches, and a fetus is formed in the womb. Nine months later, out comes a new baby. Pretty amazing stuff for sure. To the best of my knowledge though, no embryo has ever been fully brought to development out...
  It needs to be said again as a reminder for us all – despite what popular culture likes to imply – we are NOT....all ‘children of God’. I know it makes for great song and poetic language, but the Bible simply does not teach that. But that is not to say we can’t ‘become...children of God’ as scripture would indicate. And how do I come to this conclusion, you ask? Well, for starters, John 1:12 states: “for as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right or the capacity to ‘become children of God’. We learn in the preceding verse there many did not...receive Him. We are also told: “for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God’. (Rom. 8:14). are not being led by His Spirit, how can you say you are His child? And just in case there is any confusion as to what that looks like, Gal. 5:16 helps us see that those who do indeed ‘walk in the Spirit’...will not be fulfilling the lust of the flesh nature. That is how we ‘once walked’ ...
  Jesus taught us that "God is Spirit". (John 4:24). The amplified version includes clarification to the term suggesting ‘Spirit’ being ‘the source of life yet invisible to mankind’. That makes sense given Jesus would later say that despite all our diligent studying of the scriptures, we still need to ‘come to Him’ that we might ‘have life’...and it...’more abundantly’. (John 5:39-40; 10:10) So given we are told that ‘God is Spirit’, and that man was ‘created in the image and likeness of God’, (Gen. 1:26-27) it makes sense to reason that we were created to be spiritual beings. We also just happened to have a ‘soul’ that lives or dwells in an earthly body. Jesus suggested in one story that our body is like a ‘house’. (Matt. 12:43-45). Paul teaches it is a ‘temple’(1 Cor. 6:19) and an ‘earthly tabernacle’ in 2 Cor. 5:1. Since Adam was made in the ‘image of God’, we can conclude that he most likely walked and talked like God, possessing His holy attributes and character. He w...
  It’s really not that complicated when you begin to just let the scriptures speak for themselves. And it sure makes more sense when we allow the Holy Spirit to bring to light, or to ‘reveal’ the mysteries of the kingdom to us. But then, Jesus only does this for those who turn to Him with all their heart. (Matt. 13:11; John 5:39-40 15:5) There is a spiritual ‘entity’ who influences all who are on this earth we live on. We are told the whole world is under this ‘wicked one’s’ power or influence. (1 John 5:19). He’s been around for some time and goes by different titles, but he ‘deceives’ the whole world’. (Rev. 12:9). He does this by ‘blinding the minds of those who are perishing from seeing the light of the gospel’. (2 Cor. 4:3-4). He also comes to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. (John 10:10). That’s probably why we are admonished to be alert and vigilant of this ‘enemy’ whom Peter identifies as the ‘devil’. (1 Pet. 5:8). I’m sure that plays right in to Paul’s warning that we ‘give hi...
  I make reference on a regular basis here how I seem to be ‘connecting more dots’ over time as I pour over scripture, from both OT and NT writings. Truth be told, it is the Holy Spirit that is ‘connecting the dots’ for me given we can’t see or understand much of anything out of our Bibles unless He is opening our eyes to understand the ‘mysteries of the kingdom’. (Matt. 13:11; Luke 10:21; 24:31-32,45; John 16:13; 1 John 2:26-27) To some, that last sentence might sound a tad arrogant, but I challenge you to look those verses up and give them some serious thought. Now while no one has accused me directly of doing this, I can imagine why some might suggest that my postings here, where I present verses from all over the Bible, might be an example of taking scripture ‘out of context’. And I would just have to politely and humbly disagree. We can easily get caught up in man’s methods when it comes to ‘systematic study’ of scripture, but let’s face it...if we have not truly come to Jes...
  Her name was Maria. Our paths crossed back in the mid ‘80’s when we lived in San Antonio. We were going through a ‘different season of learning’ as one might say, having just come out of a mis-guided church movement that was heavy on ‘faith and believing’ for all kinds of good things, but fell short in other critical areas. IYKYK We lived in a small rental house that belonged to a friend of ours who had converted the detached garage into a small efficiency apartment which he rented out to Maria. She was, at the time probably in her late 30’s-early 40’s, single, and if I’m not mistaken, was an LVN or in some related field. She was also a ‘new, young believer’ who was ‘on fire for God’ and very much immersed, herself, in the ‘believing/claiming/confessing’ crowd that we had recently come out of. In fact, she might have been running a few clicks higher than we were in her intensity level and zeal. We got to know Maria well...she was like part of the family for a season when she liv...
  Do you know who the people were that were most offended by the things that Jesus taught? It was the very crowd of folks who were convinced they knew and understood God’s word better than anyone else. Let that sink in for a moment, if you would please. Have you ever come across a particular Bible verse, or heard someone share a few verses, that just hit you in the wrong way and you found yourself ‘bowing up’, or snorting in response with maybe just the thought: “I don’t believe that!”? Did you ever stop to ask yourself why you bristled in such a way simply because you heard a few verses that might not have 'fit' with how ‘you believe’? Yeah...I would bet most of us have done that on more than one occasion. Or how about this one- where we hear a few scriptures laid out that are pretty clear in what they are saying, but because it messes up what we had concluded about something, we then offer up any number of scenarios or examples that we are aware of to somehow suggest that...
  Paul gave Timothy (and the rest of us believers) a ‘heads up' in his second letter when he wrote: “Know this, that in the last days perilous time will come.” (2 Tim. 3:1) He goes on to list how people will be acting and carrying on as they manifest so much carnal and fleshly ‘fruit’ in their lives, summing it up by saying how they will be ‘lovers of pleasure rather than, or more than God’ (2-4). What is easy to miss here is he is not talking about the ‘lost sinners in the world’ out there who are ‘heathens’, as we often refer to them as. He’s talking about ‘church folks’ who walk about with an outward ‘form of godliness’. (5). You ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ where they ‘honor God with their lips but their hearts are far from him’. Why do you think Jesus made such a deal about producing the right kind of ‘fruit’? (Matt. 7:15-20; Gal. 5:19-21) But look at vs 7 as he offers up this nugget of insight how these people will “always be learning but never coming to ...the k...
  Why is it that our ‘default setting’ tends to want to refute the truth of God’s word when our personal experiences and/or opinions don’t line up with what it clearly says in black and white? Case and point: I have taught here over the past couple of years how scripture teaches that anyone who is truly abiding in Jesus will not continue to practice sin, and actually be walking like Jesus did as they are being conformed to His image and likeness. (1 John 2:6; 3:6; Rom. 8:29; 1 Pet. 4:1-2). But when you share passages like these, the first instinct is to want to respond with: “Are you saying you don’t sin?”, as if sharing those verses was offensive to them. My response to that is: “It doesn’t matter what I am doing...or not doing. What matters is- what does God’s word say?” If you ‘pray’ for something and there is no response, does that negate the fact that God answers prayer? You do realize the ‘mess’ this world is in ... began with God giving a very clear warning and directi...
  Whether you have gone in to see a dentist to have a cavity filled, or a heart surgeon to have a triple-bypass done, or anything else in-between...then you are familiar with the pages upon pages of paper work that always need to be ‘read’ and signed. And there is always that one paragraph, or two, that gets real serious and somber as you are informed of all the ‘potential outcomes' that could occur from the procedure you are about to undergo. Why even ‘death’ is a possible outcome. Now the doctors are quick to assure you how unlikely it is that these things will happen, but they are required by law to ‘bring it to our attention’. So we sign away, have the procedure done, and usually live to see another day. As we come to learn over time, be it a business contract we are signing or medical papers, few of us really take the time to read the small, fine print; I mean...who has time for that? And yet, as they always say...’the devil is in the details’. Which then leads me to ask t...
  We are told that ‘God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) Peter’s statement simply confirms what Jesus declared shortly after He began His ministry following His water baptism in the Jordan and then His 40 days in the wilderness where His heart was tested and approved by God that Jesus was fully committed to obeying the Father. (Luke 4:13-18) We are also told that prior to His ‘testing’ in the wilderness that he was ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ (1) but after having passed on all accounts, that He “returned in the power of the Spirit”. (14). No small point there. Now look at what Jesus told His disciples shortly after His resurrection in - “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” (John 20:21). As we have often heard for anyone who has been in church for any length of time...the church body was to be the hand of God, through Jesus, ext...
  So let me get this straight...Some 2000+ years ago, God chose to reveal Himself to humanity through His Son, Jesus. The ‘Word became flesh, and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14) and He ‘went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil’, (Acts 10:38). Then, after He was done three years later, He went back to heaven, wishing us all well and bidding us to ‘hang in there’ until He came back for us all someday in the future. And He implied for us to ‘hang in there’ because times would be tough and we would suffer, but not always know why we were suffering...but just ‘trust Jesus’, meet weekly at some building and sing a lot of songs and try to be like Him, even though we can’t really do that. I’m not trying to sound snarky here, but honestly...that seems to be the general theme of the message we share these days when it comes to explaining this ‘gospel’ He left us to preach. “Accept Christ”, we tell them, and you can ‘go to heaven when you die’; but in the meantime, t...
  I frequently ask the question, in a rhetorical manner: “When did God change?” I then provide the passages that make it clear...God has NOT changed. (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8) And that fact alone, should be very good news to anyone who loves the Lord, and His word. Why I would even submit to anyone reading here today who would not consider themself a ‘believer’ or ‘follower of Jesus’ that this would be very good news for you; especially if you find yourself in a dark place with desperate needs. It is not God’s desire for any to perish or suffer, but to come to repentance...that you might find healing from the touch of the great Physician. (2 Pet. 3:9; Luke 5:31-32) I have laid out before you this past it was never God’s plan or desire for His people to be sick and afflicted with diseases. On the contrary, He promised to ‘take away’ and ‘remove’ ALL sickness... provided His people walk in covenant with Him. If God did not want His people sick and diseased way back then, wh...
  I’m pretty sure you have read or heard the story where Jesus came up on a blind man, in John 9. The disciples asked Jesus a rather peculiar question, one that would probably ‘raise eyebrows’... if not offend many people today. “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (1-2). Now Jesus quickly responds (before healing the blind man) by saying “neither”; but let’s pause for a moment and consider why that question was even raised by His followers to begin with. They understood how ‘things worked’ in this world, and where sickness and afflictions came from. The scriptures are filled with examples and insights as to why there is suffering. Just the Book of Psalms and Proverbs alone give us plenty of clues, if we are open to reading them. Why were God’s people ‘bound in affliction’? Because they rebelled against the words of God and despised His counsel’. (Ps. 107:10-11) Why was there ‘no soundness in their flesh and no health in their bones’? Because of ...
  Jesus used an insightful word picture to convey why He was even here to begin with; and if you are not careful, you’ll miss some very significant ‘dots that need to be connected’. He said: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” (Luke 5:31) No ‘earth-shaking revelation’ there now, is there? But read on: “I have not come to call the righteous, but repentance.” (32). Did you catch it? Jesus used those two words in the same statement that many, if not most church members would be highly offended to hear from a pulpit- ‘sin’ and ‘sickness’. Why...what connection do those two words have, preacher? Are you saying...that my sickness is a result of ‘sin’? Admittedly, ...there is a willingness, at best, for most to concede that there is ‘sickness’ in this ‘fallen world’ which was the result of ‘sin’. But how dare we even suggest that a well-known, beloved church deacon or choir member might be sick as a result of ‘sin’ in their life. T...
  We ‘Christians’ can be pretty quick to let others know we are most definitely ‘saved’; but then can easily 'balk' in explaining what it is we are actually ‘saved’ from. So, on Day 7 of our study dealing with sickness and disease... let’s review: It is the ‘wrath of God’ that Jesus came to save us from. (John 3:17; Rom. 5:9; John 3:36). We know that Satan is the tool or force God uses to carry out His wrath which explains the role of this entity of wickedness who comes to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. (John 10:10). But we can escape that IF...we turn...and follow Jesus. There is no other name under heaven given through which men can be saved’. (Acts 4:12). Consider this: are trapped in a high-rise office building that is going up in flames, and a fireman shows up on your floor and finds you hunkered down under your desk, he will most likely comfort you and then reassure you that everything is going to be okay;’s important that you follow his instructions so tha...
  Most people, when asked by a doctor, after their test results have come back, ‘do they want to hear the good news or the bad news first’...usually opt for the bad news first. I think we understand why that is. So, Day 6 may continue sounding like more ‘bad news’; but hang with me if you would, ‘good news’ is on the way. (And please catch up on reading if you are just jumping on board here with Day 6) All this talk of ‘wrath and sin and sickness and disease and punishment’ can be unnerving, especially when we have all seen or known someone who suffered greatly through some illness, perhaps even dying from it. And they were such ‘good people who loved God and had great faith’. Perhaps some of you who are reading here today are battling some serious illness, and these posts the past week are really confusing you, disturbing you, if not outright offending you. You might even want to ask if I am suggesting that anyone who has, or even dies from cancer, for not ‘saved’. ...
  We are on Day 5 as we wade further in looking at where, how, and why sickness and diseases have been with us for so long. This beloved Bible of ours has an awful lot to say about it, and even offers ‘solutions’ on how to find healing. And I’ll be the first one to tell you that many will not like what they read here. But I cannot apologize when all I am offering up for you to read is straight from God’s word. Last week, we spent a few days looking at the first two chapters of Job as a means to better understand how the ‘wrath of God’ is applied or ‘poured out’, and who exactly God uses... to administer His wrath...and curses. Yes, my friends...the God we all claim to love and worship and believe in as being all good and loving (which He most certainly is) ... has ‘another side’ that we hear very little taught on. Remember, it was Paul who admonished us to “consider the goodness and the severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, continue...