We ‘Christians’ can be pretty quick to let others know we are most definitely ‘saved’; but then can easily 'balk' in explaining what it is we are actually ‘saved’ from. So, on Day 7 of our study dealing with sickness and disease... let’s review:

It is the ‘wrath of God’ that Jesus came to save us from. (John 3:17; Rom. 5:9; John 3:36). We know that Satan is the tool or force God uses to carry out His wrath which explains the role of this entity of wickedness who comes to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. (John 10:10). But we can escape that IF...we turn...and follow Jesus. There is no other name under heaven given through which men can be saved’. (Acts 4:12). Consider this:

If...you are trapped in a high-rise office building that is going up in flames, and a fireman shows up on your floor and finds you hunkered down under your desk, he will most likely comfort you and then reassure you that everything is going to be okay; but...it’s important that you follow his instructions so that he might lead you to safety. In other words, staying under the desk as you continue ‘confessing that you believe him’ does you no good at all...IF... you fail to get up and follow him. Welcome to ‘Salvation Through Jesus 101’.

It is so important to realize and understand...that God is not out to destroy you; on the contrary...He seeks you out to save you from impending destruction (Luke 19:10; John 3:17). But it requires that you come to Him with your whole heart in complete surrender. You nor I are afforded the luxury of dictating the terms of our ‘salvation’ like so many man-made church doctrines do today.

As I shared the other day, we can spend more time wondering, if not asking God... ‘why was that person not healed when we prayed?’ ... when maybe we need to begin asking...’why are we sick?” Yes, I realize  this topic is almost ‘taboo’ in most church circles, but ignoring and tap-dancing around it has done us no good. This question must have arisen in the early church as well, and look what Paul told those Corinthians why some in their midst were ‘weak, sick, and even dead’ ...1 Cor. 11:27-32.

Then there is the story where Jesus comes up on a man who had laid among the blind, lame, and paralyzed, and he himself had been afflicted with an infirmity for 38 years. (John 5:5). Jesus asked him: “Do you want to be made well?” (6) Now please pay close attention to the next three verses I point out here. The man responds with his perspective... as to why he is not healed. (7). Jesus cuts to the chase and simply tells him to ‘rise, take up your bed and walk’. (8) Would you please underline, in vs. 9...the word “immediately” as this man was ‘made well, took up his bed, and walked’. That word, in the Greek...means...’immediately’ or ‘at once’. This healing thing is not hard at all for God to do. Just saying...

Now, a verse you should be familiar with by now...is found a little further down when Jesus crosses paths with him later on in the temple...and says to him: “See, you have been made well. Sin no more or a worse thing will come upon you.” (14). Would you please finish up today by reading Luke 11:24-26 and Ps. 119:67 & 71. I’ll be back tomorrow, Lord willing.


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