Jesus used an insightful word picture to convey why He was even here to begin with; and if you are not careful, you’ll miss some very significant ‘dots that need to be connected’.

He said: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” (Luke 5:31)

No ‘earth-shaking revelation’ there now, is there? But read on: “I have not come to call the righteous, but repentance.” (32). Did you catch it? Jesus used those two words in the same statement that many, if not most church members would be highly offended to hear from a pulpit- ‘sin’ and ‘sickness’. Why...what connection do those two words have, preacher? Are you saying...that my sickness is a result of ‘sin’?

Admittedly, ...there is a willingness, at best, for most to concede that there is ‘sickness’ in this ‘fallen world’ which was the result of ‘sin’. But how dare we even suggest that a well-known, beloved church deacon or choir member might be sick as a result of ‘sin’ in their life. This is when heart rates begin to increase and tempers flare and confusion and misunderstanding spreads like a wildfire. Trust me, I know.

Why is it that a sick person can go see a doctor who will examine and assess their symptoms and blood tests, then come back with the bad news that the patient has cancer, and for the most part, nobody gets mad or offended at the doctor? Usually...after the initial shock of hearing the dreaded news...there is a brokenness as they look to their physician and ask...”Can this be treated? Is it curable? How did I get this?... what’s the plan, Doc, how are we going to beat this?”

I have a feeling if I was sharing this in an auditorium filled with would be very quiet about now. Friends...this is evidence as to how far we have drifted from understanding God, His gospel message, and His ‘cure’ for all that ails us. This same Jesus who came as the great physician...and forgives us of all our sins, as we like to make known to all the the same God and Physician who ‘heals ALL our diseases’. (Ps. 103:2-3)

And here’s the really interesting news: He doesn’t even ‘need doctors’ to do this. (and as I said the other day, that is no slam on doctors!). I really wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard someone say: “Well God uses doctors.” I always want to ask: “Why? Why does God ‘need to use doctors’?” Has God gotten so old and lazy that He just doesn’t ‘work’ like that anymore? When did God change and hand us off to a broken and flawed ‘health care’ system? (Mal. 3:6). Oh...and let’s not forget that God can use ‘better doctors’ if you have good, costly medical insurance, or lots of money.  I have to ask, how many of you have 2 Chron. 16:12 underlined in your Bible? And please, do not read into this that I am in any way discouraging anyone to go to, see, or use doctors.

I’m sure I may have lost a few here today, but if you are brave enough to continue opening up God’s word to see what He has to say about all this, you don’t want to miss tomorrow’s post.


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