We are on Day 5 as we wade further in looking at where, how, and why sickness and diseases have been with us for so long. This beloved Bible of ours has an awful lot to say about it, and even offers ‘solutions’ on how to find healing. And I’ll be the first one to tell you that many will not like what they read here. But I cannot apologize when all I am offering up for you to read is straight from God’s word.

Last week, we spent a few days looking at the first two chapters of Job as a means to better understand how the ‘wrath of God’ is applied or ‘poured out’, and who exactly God uses... to administer His wrath...and curses. Yes, my friends...the God we all claim to love and worship and believe in as being all good and loving (which He most certainly is) ... has ‘another side’ that we hear very little taught on. Remember, it was Paul who admonished us to “consider the goodness and the severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness...IF....you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.” (Rom. 11:22). His words, not mine.

I pointed out a number of passages from Deut. 28 where God made it quite clear how He wanted to bless His people, provided they would continue to follow and obey His leading. He even promised them to “take away ALL sickness...and would not afflict them with any of the terrible diseases they had known in Egypt...” (Deut. 7:15)

But God also made it known that there would be severe consequences if they chose to disobey, and He used the word ‘curses’ or ‘cursed’, repeating over and over how HE...would be the one to ‘strike them with...’ and then listed a variety of illnesses and diseases and plagues, etc. (Deut. 28:21-22, 27-28, 58-61) We then learned from Job 1-2 that it is actually Satan who carries out these curses, or wrath. That might make Ps.78:49-50 easier to understand. And when you see ‘destroying angels’ there in Ps. 78, may I remind you what Jesus told us the primary mission of the ‘thief’ (Satan) was – to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. (John 10:10) This would be the same ‘wicked one’ whom John promises those who abide in Jesus will be protected from. (1 John 5:18)

Let’s be clear on one thing: sickness and disease is NOT a blessing, or a good thing to be desired. I hope we can all agree on that. The Bible is actually pretty clear when it comes to addressing this topic...God said it is a curse and He made no attempt to hide the fact that He sends it as punishment. And as hard as that may be to hear, there really is much scripture to back this up. Remember also - we must resist the temptation to jump to conclusions before really examining to see what God’s word actually says. I know, this doesn’t sound anything like what ‘your Jesus’ might do; (punish/chastise) and yet, it seems I remember the majority of the ‘church world’ said that AIDS was a punishment from God sent on the homosexual community. We sure can send conflicting messages at times, can we not?

If you hang with me here, this really will point to some very good and encouraging news. The same God who ‘forgives all of our iniquities...still is able and willing...to ‘heal ALL your diseases. (Ps. 103:2-3) Day 6...tomorrow, Lord willing


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