Most people, when asked by a doctor, after their test results have come back, ‘do they want to hear the good news or the bad news first’...usually opt for the bad news first. I think we understand why that is. So, Day 6 may continue sounding like more ‘bad news’; but hang with me if you would, ‘good news’ is on the way. (And please catch up on reading if you are just jumping on board here with Day 6)

All this talk of ‘wrath and sin and sickness and disease and punishment’ can be unnerving, especially when we have all seen or known someone who suffered greatly through some illness, perhaps even dying from it. And they were such ‘good people who loved God and had great faith’. Perhaps some of you who are reading here today are battling some serious illness, and these posts the past week are really confusing you, disturbing you, if not outright offending you. You might even want to ask if I am suggesting that anyone who has, or even dies from cancer, for not ‘saved’. I am not saying that if/when a believer falls ill with a prolonged illness that eats away at their body, that this person is not ‘saved’.

But there is no denying that in the early church, there were members who were in sin and Paul’s counsel to the church was to ‘hand them over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh...that their spirit might be saved’. (1 Cor. 5:5). Later, in chapter 11, Paul would teach that such drastic actions could have been prevented had people ‘first judged themselves’ and avoided such ‘chastisement’ (30-32). Oh, and are we not told in Hebrews 12 that God ‘chastens those whom He loves...and that this chastening is never ‘joyful, but painful’? (7-11). And what are we going to do with the story of Ananias and his wife as we read in Acts 5:1-11? This might be a good time to just pause and give thought to what you just read here.

Let’s take a look at another passage in Luke’s gospel so that we don’t make the mistake in jumping to conclusions when we see someone overtaken with an illness and rush to judgement that they must have ‘really sinned’. The conversation Jesus had with some folks centered on some people who had suffered premature deaths in the most tragic way. Look at the question Jesus presented to them, before He answered His own question:

“Do you think these people were worse sinners than anyone else? I tell you, ‘No’, but unless you repent, you will ALL... likewise perish.” (Luke 13:1-5). He repeats this in vs. 5. This is one of those exchanges that Jesus had with some folks that is so easy to read over and then move on without fully grasping what He is revealing to us here. He was not issuing a threat here, but a warning.

The whole gospel message that Jesus came preaching to usher in the kingdom of God was a message that commanded men ‘repent’....and then to follow Him. (Matt. 4:17,19; Mark 1:15; Acts 17:30). Please understand that ‘accepting Christ as savior’ (which is not even a biblical term or command) is not the same as following Jesus, or abiding in Him, as you surrender your life to His lordship. (Luke 6:46; Heb. 5:9). And He tells us flat out that if we fail to truly do this, we will ‘perish’ and be destroyed. (Acts. 3:22-23)

But make no mistake about it- It is not God’s will or desire...for ANY to perish, but for all to come to repentance and be 'saved'. (2 Pet. 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4). I promise you...good news is on the way. Tomorrow?


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