I’m pretty sure you have read or heard the story where Jesus came up on a blind man, in John 9. The disciples asked Jesus a rather peculiar question, one that would probably ‘raise eyebrows’... if not offend many people today.

“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (1-2).

Now Jesus quickly responds (before healing the blind man) by saying “neither”; but let’s pause for a moment and consider why that question was even raised by His followers to begin with. They understood how ‘things worked’ in this world, and where sickness and afflictions came from. The scriptures are filled with examples and insights as to why there is suffering. Just the Book of Psalms and Proverbs alone give us plenty of clues, if we are open to reading them.

Why were God’s people ‘bound in affliction’? Because they rebelled against the words of God and despised His counsel’. (Ps. 107:10-11)

Why was there ‘no soundness in their flesh and no health in their bones’? Because of their ‘sin’. (Ps. 38:1-8) Why was there ‘plague’ as they were ‘consumed by the blow of His hand’? Because they were rebuked in correction for their iniquity’. (Ps. 39:7-11)

Why were God’s people consumed with ‘leanness of soul and wasting disease’? Because they ‘lusted exceedingly in the wilderness by forgetting His works and not waiting for His counsel’. (Ps. 106:13-15)

Why was God’s servant ‘afflicted’, even saying it was ‘good that he was afflicted? Because he went astray and his affliction reminded him how important it was to keep His law with their whole heart. (Ps. 119:65-71)

Why did the Psalmist suggest we ‘hide His word in our hearts? So that we might not ‘sin against Him’. (Ps. 119:11). And what benefit is there in keeping His word? They are ‘health to all their flesh’. (Prov. 4:20-22)

Why did Paul say ‘many were sick, weak, and dead’ among them? (early church- 1 Cor. 11:27-32) They were not taking their participation of the Lord’s Supper seriously enough.

Oh...and that reminder Jesus added to the man who had been afflicted for 38 years...that He was happy to heal, immediately? What did he admonish him to do (or avoid) ‘lest something worse come back on him? Go...and ‘sin no more’. (John 5:14)

Some might think I’m being cruel to bring these passages to light, especially since there are so many sick and suffering people out there today...even ‘sincere believers’ who might be confused and hurt to read these things. Friends...I would submit to you that it is far crueler...to NOT bring God’s word to light. After all...what did God ‘send to heal’ those whom He afflicted? - - His word! (Ps. 107:20)

Maybe there is something else....that folks who call themselves ‘teachers’ are loving more...than declaring the ‘whole counsel’ of God? (John 12:43: Acts 20:27)

Tomorrow: The really...’good news’. (Lord willing, of course!) ;-)


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