It’s really not that complicated when you begin to just let the scriptures speak for themselves. And it sure makes more sense when we allow the Holy Spirit to bring to light, or to ‘reveal’ the mysteries of the kingdom to us. But then, Jesus only does this for those who turn to Him with all their heart. (Matt. 13:11; John 5:39-40 15:5)
There is a spiritual ‘entity’ who influences all who are on this earth we live on. We are told the whole world is under this ‘wicked one’s’ power or influence. (1 John 5:19). He’s been around for some time and goes by different titles, but he ‘deceives’ the whole world’. (Rev. 12:9). He does this by ‘blinding the minds of those who are perishing from seeing the light of the gospel’. (2 Cor. 4:3-4).
He also comes to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. (John 10:10). That’s probably why we are admonished to be alert and vigilant of this ‘enemy’ whom Peter identifies as the ‘devil’. (1 Pet. 5:8). I’m sure that plays right in to Paul’s warning that we ‘give him no place’ (Eph. 4:27) given we are ‘not ignorant of his devices’. (2 Cor. 2:11)
And should one be on the fringe, perhaps, of being open to hearing the gospel, the truth that brings genuine freedom from his captivity (John 8:32-36; 2 Tim. 2:25-26; Acts 26:18), you can be assured that when that ‘seed’ (word of God is sown into your heart), that he, the devil, will come immediately and attempt to snatch and steal that word, lest you believe and are ‘saved’. (Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12;)
Ignoring this entity, these powers of darkness, is foolish. We are not instructed to ‘ignore’ the devil; on the contrary we are advised to ‘resist’ him. (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9). And just to clarify for those who may still not be ‘getting it’ – we are to ‘resist’ him when he comes to tempt us to yield to the ‘flesh nature’ which leads to sin (James 1:13-16). We are also promised that God gives us grace to stand and resist And that time of testing...if...we will surrender to it (Heb. 2:18; 4:15-16). But once the ‘door has been opened’ to him to come in because you sinned...well, ignoring him or resisting him then will do you little good...until you repent and turn to Jesus with your whole heart.
And for those who may have not yet made that connection in understanding here, this entity who personifies and exemplifies evil and rebellion towards God, could be eradicated in the vapor of a moment by God....IF God so deemed it necessary. But He has not done that...yet. Truth be told, God ‘uses’ him for the time being to carry out His wrath and judgements, and yes...the ‘curses’ that come when we opt to go our own way. Satan and his minions are the ‘wrath’ of God ...whom Jesus came to ‘save us from’ (Ps. 78:49-50. They were not only ‘on us’ prior to coming to Jesus, they were ‘in us’ operating through the fleshly desires of our carnal nature. (Eph. 2:1-3; John 3:36)
Now if any of what you just read here unnerves you, you need not fear because scripture makes it rather clear that the only way we can escape this spiritual enemy of darkness is to ‘abide’ in Jesus. That should make sense since Jesus is the one who is ‘saving’ us from him/the . In fact we are told that anyone who is ‘born of God no longer sins...and the enemy cannot touch us’. (1 John 5:18). And have you read Ps. 91 lately? That sounds like a pretty comforting promise if you ask me, does it not to you?
I am pretty sure this is where and why there has been a great ‘disconnect’ with what so many of us have been taught to believe over the years in our churches given the variety of ‘gospel’s out there being taught today. And friends...there is no shortage of them. (2 Cor. 11:3-4; 2 Tim. 4:3-4)
As I have stated here previously on more than one occasion- I'm not asking anyone to believe all this I share; would do well to at least look up these verses for yourself to see with your own eyes so at least you know those are in your Bible as well. What you do with them is between you and God.
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