Please hear me when I say: “God is not ‘out to get you’...but He did come to get you.” Again...would you read that once more and read it aloud...then take a look at John 3:17. Yesterday, I pointed out how those who fall under God’s judgements are oftentimes oblivious or unaware as to the what and why’s they are experiencing God’s wrath. (Hosea 4:6). John 3:36 states that those who are not believers in Jesus...the wrath of God abides or remains on them already. Would you let that sink in for a moment. Could you even explain to a non-believer what that even means? 1 John 5:19 might help. There is something else I need to point out today regarding God’s judgements that is very important to hear and understand. You’ll find it spelled out in 2 Pet. 3:9 – God is patient with us and is not willing that ANY...should perish (be destroyed)...but that ALL should come to repentance.” It is His will for ‘all men to be saved’. (1 Tim. 2:4) We see a pattern established by God early on going wa...