
Showing posts from December, 2024
  Please hear me when I say: “God is not ‘out to get you’...but He did come to get you.” Again...would you read that once more and read it aloud...then take a look at John 3:17. Yesterday, I pointed out how those who fall under God’s judgements are oftentimes oblivious or unaware as to the what and why’s they are experiencing God’s wrath. (Hosea 4:6). John 3:36 states that those who are not believers in Jesus...the wrath of God abides or remains on them already. Would you let that sink in for a moment. Could you even explain to a non-believer what that even means? 1 John 5:19 might help. There is something else I need to point out today regarding God’s judgements that is very important to hear and understand. You’ll find it spelled out in 2 Pet. 3:9 – God is patient with us and is not willing that ANY...should perish (be destroyed)...but that ALL should come to repentance.” It is His will for ‘all men to be saved’. (1 Tim. 2:4) We see a pattern established by God early on going wa...
  “As it was in the days of also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matt. 24:37) “...they were eating and drinking and marrying....they bought and sold and planted and built...until the day that Noah entered the ark.” (Matt. 24:39; Luke 17:28) “....and they did not know until the flood came and took them all away; ... so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”(Matt. 24:39). Luke’s version actually states: “and the flood came and destroyed them all.” (17:27) And those who were ‘destroyed’ were oblivious to it until after it was too late. But Noah knew, as did those who were in the ark with him, which was his family. They knew the flood was coming and made preparations and then entered the ark as the Lord ‘shut them in’. (Gen. 7:16). We are told in Isaiah 59:19 that the ‘when the enemy comes in like a...flood, God raises up a ‘standard’’. Those who were ‘shut in’ their homes on the first Passover were spared the destruction that came to Egypt where they had the ...
  Jesus Himself...made the statement twice, that He... was ‘coming as a thief’. (Rev. 3:3 & 16:15). In both of those passages you will see where He underscores the importance of ‘watching’ or ‘staying awake to lookout’. This ties right in to the passage we looked at the past few days from Matt. 24:42-44 and the need to ‘remain awake’, which is interesting, given that text leads right in to Matt. 25 and the story of the ten virgins, a ‘type’ of the church and they all....fell asleep prior to the return of the bridegroom. (1-5). Then, consider the fact that Jesus made it known what a ‘thief’ is known for doing: ‘he comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy’. (John 10:10). There are many word pictures and symbols that we have read, or heard used over the years to describe how Jesus did, and will... come to His people, terms like a ‘lamb’ and ‘lion’ and ‘deliverer’. We see Him referred to as the coming ‘King’ and ‘Prince of Peace’ and ‘Great Shepherd’. So throwing in this idea tha...
  Friends....I so hope and pray you take the time to actually look up the multiple verses I give you and read them yourself. Every time I do, is like partaking of fresh manna straight from God's word. We’ve been looking at those verses that talk about the return of the Lord coming as a ‘thief in the night’, as Paul put it. (1 Thess. 5:1-6- can you go read that portion now, please? And let's remember who the 'brethren' are, from Thursday's post) Now, let’s turn to Matt. 24. This is a chapter many read who like to study ‘end time events’ that Jesus taught on. And while there is much written in that chapter pertaining to ‘signs and events’ to be looking for, it is easy to overlook the somber warnings that we find at the start, in the middle, and the end of that discourse. The first one being ‘take heed no one deceives you...for many will come...’.(4-5). But it is vs. 42-44 we need to pick up from yesterday’s post where Jesus starts talking about the n...
  So about that ‘thief’ comment...and Jesus coming back in a way that we might not be expecting; not to mention how the ‘brethren know perfectly well...that the Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night’...” (1 Thess. 5:1-3)... let’s pick up from where we left off yesterday... I will be the first one to admit that if you have been taught to believe that ‘all is well with your soul because you ‘accepted Christ as Savior’, and at some point in the not too-far-off future, Jesus is coming back to ‘rapture’ you out of here before all hell breaks loose on the earth...well, this line of discussion today will not set well with you and probably confuse you some. But please remember, I’m not asking you to believe all that I’m sharing here; just be willing to examine the scriptures for yourself to see if the Holy Spirit might confirm any ‘truth’ to you, maybe even for the first time. (Acts 17:11) Would you take a moment an open up to Revelation 3 and read vs. 1-6. You’ll find there (in c...
  Many of us have probably heard those quotes regarding how we often ‘fail to learn from history’....and those who don't, are ‘doomed to repeat it’. Would you allow me to point out one part of history that we ‘believers’ cannot afford to forget, and we would do well to remember? It is the fact that the first time Jesus arrived on the scene, those who allegedly were ‘in the know’ based on all their studies and ‘expertise’ in the scriptures... got it all wrong. In fact, they missed it so bad that they themselves became the ‘vessels’ used to nail their Messiah to a cross. How confident can we be that this could not happen again? Remember: when it comes to those things that pertain to the kingdom of God and heaven, rarely, if ever, are the ‘majority’....right, no matter how convinced they are otherwise. (Matt. 7:13-14) I would submit to you today that if you ask the average church member what their take is when it comes to the ‘second coming of Christ’, the ‘majority’ of them will ...
  Merry Christmas... May I talk with you today about the goodness of God? He really is a ‘good God’, full of mercy and compassion...whose love knows no end. He is the Creator of this universe and the world we live on, and for oh, such a brief moment (Acts 17:24-30; James 4:14)...and He is the one who formed and created you, ‘knowing you before you were in the womb’. (Jer. 1:5) Paul writes, encouraging us to ‘consider both the goodness and the severity of the Lord...’. (Rom. 11:22). Some of you might rightly accuse me of spending more time focusing on the ‘severity’ part, but I make no apologies there; it is for good reason. But that does not take away my love and appreciation for His loving kindness. Trust me...I have come to know of His goodness in ways I never dreamed possible. Allow me, if you share some truths found in the pages of our beloved Bible that only echo what God has in store...for those who love Him and know Him.(1 Cor. 2:9) We are told to ‘not forget Hi...
  The first ‘official’ announcement from heaven that the King had arrived...took place late in the night, in a remote field where a handful of shepherds, of all people, were tending to their flocks. It would seem to me that a modern day marketing guru would have scripted this much differently had it been left up for them to do so...would you not agree? You have to give God some ‘style points’ in the fact He did send an ‘angel of the Lord’, surrounded by the ‘glory of the Lord’ shining all around him as the declaration of ‘good tidings and great joy’ was announced. You might also note that this was to be good news for ‘all people’...and not just the Jewish nation. (Luke 2:8-10) Then comes the birth announcement: “There is born to you this day in the city of David...a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (11) Next, a small ‘clue’ is given to help these shepherds identify this long awaited King, Messiah, and Deliverer...”This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddli...
  It’s one of those photos that first captures your eye...and then keeps you fixed on it as you try to figure out what you are looking at. I would venture to guess you have seen it before, or something similar to it. It’s an aerial view of a band of camels traversing a desert landscape. At first, you are convinced you are looking at the silhouetted camels before you realize that what has captured your their shadows. Then, upon closer examination you see the actual camel itself which seems miniscule in comparison to the long shadow they are casting as the sun is setting. Truly an amazing view and image that graced the cover of National Geographic a few years back. I want to share a message today that might be a tad different (and longer than usual). It’s one of those lessons that after you read/study it, you may find a need to just ‘put it on a shelf’ for further contemplation and meditation. I would encourage you to do that with anything you read here that I share if a...
  I’m pretty sure this has happened to most, if not all of us, at one time or another- where you are waiting in line somewhere, the grocery store perhaps, and you’re scrolling through your phone. Then, something pops up like a really inspiring thought, maybe a Bible verse that just resonates with you. It’s almost like you just had a direct message from God, or at least an encouraging ‘sign’ that makes you want act on what you just read; it was that good. Then the line you are waiting in moves forward a few steps and you keep scrolling. The next thing you know you are laughing aloud at some silly ‘cat video’ ...or silly ‘reel’ someone just posted that is as mindless as anything could be, yet was still pretty funny. As you check out and gather your groceries, you are still chuckling over that clip and you stop to ‘send’ it on to someone else you know who will think it’s funny as well. Loaded up in the car you begin your way home, after responding to a few text messages and then ret...
  It’s still probably one of my most favorite ‘word pictures’ or analogies that I have shared here on more than one occasion. You’ll remember it...the one about the old man who lived off in the backwoods by himself and was not too keen on modern conveniences and such. He cut all his firewood with an old metal bow saw, until it crumpled in his hands one day and was rendered useless. So he makes the long ride in to town where a young salesman at the hardware store convinces him to purchase a new chain saw that the man was unfamiliar with; but he decides to give it a try. Several days later, the old man returns to the store, and nearly throws the ‘useless’ device back into the hands of that salesman complaining how it did him no good at all. Puzzled, the young salesman takes the saw, flips a switch and pulls the draw-cord as the engine fires up, spewing out exhaust smoke right there in the store. Startled, the old man jumps back totally puzzled and wants to know what that ‘noise’ ...
  The Day of Pentecost changed everything. (Acts 2) When I say ‘everything’, I mean a new day had dawned and those who claimed to be followers of Christ and were filled with His Spirit no longer had an excuse to explain why they continue to sin. Gone are the days when we can point to the likes of Abraham, Moses, and David as we ‘comfort’ one another in our sins as we point out their glaring sins and failures...while we remind ourselves how God ‘still used them’ in great ways. Trying to make a case to justify your shortcomings by pointing out how Peter denied Jesus three times, after being with Him for three years, despite being called a ‘rock’ by Jesus... no longer holds water. (His denial took place prior to the day of Pentecost, and the death and resurrection of Christ for that matter) We have wasted more time and energy celebrating our flawed humanity instead of looking to the One who came to make us a ‘new creation where old things have passed away and all things become new’. ...
  God really means what He says; and for some reason, many of us have a hard time believing and accepting that. You should revisit the story King Saul in 1 Samuel 15 on a regular basis. I know of no better example that depicts where many in the church today find themselves. God instructed King Saul, through the prophet Samuel, to go and ‘utterly destroy the Amalekites and everything they had’. (1 Sam. 15:1-3). God had His reasons, that you can be sure of. So Saul gathered up his soldiers and set out to do...what God told him to do. But something went awry along the way and he ended up sparing the king, Agag, (that we know of) along with the ‘best of the sheep and oxen and lambs. (8-9) We read there that he was ‘unwilling to utterly destroy them’ despite God commanding ‘everything ...they had.” God sent word to Samuel of His displeasure over Saul’s failure to follow through on what he was instructed to do. You do realize that we can provoke God to anger by our disobedience, yes?...
  So about that ‘old man’ of yours...(you know who I’m talking about!) The one who is always ‘tripping you up’ and gets ‘the best of you at times’, causing you to stumble and sin. Can we talk about him some today? This is Day 4 of a little year-end review I felt compelled to share. I think we can all identify with ‘him/it’, similar to how we might view that one crazy uncle or relative we all seem to have and try to steer them away when nice company are over. Can’t we just lock him up in the attic or down in the basement until everyone is gone so as not to create an embarrassing scene. I’m talking of course about that old ‘carnal nature’ that we all have lived with for who knows how long. I chose to use this familiar graphic today that most of you have probably seen before. That ‘old man’ seems to produce a particular kind of ‘fruit’...that Paul said would prevent us from inheriting the kingdom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21) Take a minute and read through Ephesians 2:1-3 as it has to be...
  You and I are incapable of keeping/fulfilling the ‘law’ of God by our own efforts, no matter how hard we try. This fact cannot be emphasized enough. But that does not give us some free pass suggesting that because we are ‘believers in Jesus’ that the law has been dismissed or abolished, and that we are ‘exempt’ from it. Jesus was quite clear in stating that He did not come to ‘do away’ with that very law that God has set in place centuries earlier; (Matt. 5:17; Gal. 3:17,19) ...far from it. He actually came to fulfill it in every way . And everyone who ‘abides in Him ought themselves to walk as He did’. (1 John 2:6). Would you let that sink in for a moment? For all the talk we hear about how we (‘Christians’) are ‘not under the law, but under grace’, I’m telling you once again- we’ve not been taught all there is to know on this subject. (Rom. 6:14) Let’s be clear as to ‘who’ are no longer ‘under the law’... and Galatians 5:18 spells it out for us exactly: “ are led by ...
  Welcome back to Day 2 of our year-end ‘review’. You might first read yesterday’s post if you missed it. Today, a look at the relevance of ‘The Law’. When I speak of the ‘law’, I am referring to the law that God set in place some 430 years after He established a covenant with Abraham. We are told the law was ‘added because of transgression/sin’. (Gal. 3:17,19). I also need to point out that the law we are looking at today is not referring to animal sacrifices and rituals nor the dietary restrictions and the 600+ miscellaneous ‘laws’ that were added. For now, just think in terms of the Ten Commandments which Jesus then sums up rather nicely for us in Matt. 22:34-40. ALL of the law and Prophets are hinged on the two most important ones that center around with ‘loving God with all our heart, and loving others as ourselves (or as Christ loved us). So what is the purpose of the ‘law’, and what role, if any, does it have today? Not a trick question here, I promise. Think about th...
  As 2024 winds down, I thought I would spend a few days doing a ‘review’ of sorts that would help explain part of the reason as to why I continue to study, write, and post the things that have come to light for me from the scriptures these past several years. And you probably know by now that it’s a pretty specific and targeted area of focus. I cannot stress enough the compelling I have in needing to keep circling back, repeating myself over and over, and then pleading with anyone and everyone who claims to be a believer study out these things for themselves. (Acts 17:11) I have made the case before that what I have been learning about and sharing here, should have been basic, core... foundational teachings found in every church that every believer should be familiar with. I stress the word ‘foundational’ because that is exactly what is about to be ‘tested’ and ‘assaulted’ by the coming ‘floods’ that Jesus spoke about in Matt. 7:24-27 and 24:37-39. You can also read about ...