I’m pretty sure this has happened to most, if not all of us, at one time or another- where you are waiting in line somewhere, the grocery store perhaps, and you’re scrolling through your phone.
Then, something pops up like a really inspiring thought, maybe a Bible verse that just resonates with you. It’s almost like you just had a direct message from God, or at least an encouraging ‘sign’ that makes you want act on what you just read; it was that good. Then the line you are waiting in moves forward a few steps and you keep scrolling. The next thing you know you are laughing aloud at some silly ‘cat video’ ...or silly ‘reel’ someone just posted that is as mindless as anything could be, yet was still pretty funny. As you check out and gather your groceries, you are still chuckling over that clip and you stop to ‘send’ it on to someone else you know who will think it’s funny as well.
Loaded up in the car you begin your way home, after responding to a few text messages and then return that phone call you missed while in the store. Once home and you are finishing up putting your groceries away, you realize you forgot something that was on your list to get as you snap your fingers and think ‘darn...I’ll just get that next time I go in!’. But there is something else you ‘forgot’ to bring home with you as well – it was that inspiring word of encouragement or that Bible verse which maybe reminded you to stop all your grumbling and complaining, or something along those lines.
So what happened there? I have a pretty good hunch- and it happens more than you might imagine. It usually occurs right after you have spent any amount of time reading the Bible or maybe hearing a message preached at church or in a small group Bible study. You get up from your devotional time or get home from church and meet an onslaught of ‘pressing issues’ that ‘demand’ your time and attention. Some might call them ‘distractions’, but I’d like you to look at two verses this morning if you would- Luke 8:11-12 and Mark 4:15.
Jesus is explaining to His disciples, in private, some hidden truths from the parable of the sower. He only reveals the ‘mysteries of the kingdom of heaven’ to those who have come to Him with all their hearts. (Matt. 13:11). He then enlightens them as to what often happens to those who the ‘hear the word of God’, and because their hearts have been hardened (usually by the deceptiveness of sin- Heb. 3:13) it does not really sink in and take root...and then here comes the important lesson: “Satan comes immediately...and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.” (Mark 4:15)
Did you see that? Can you read that verse aloud one more time, please? Who comes...and how quickly does he come...to ...do what? Now go read Luke 8:12 again for added clarification. The ‘devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved’. Isn’t that interesting? Yep...I’m wrapping up our year-end-review with a brief overview of that ‘third pillar’ that has to do with our ‘enemy’. (1 Pet. 5:8)
I think you would be amazed to see how often scripture addresses this spiritual entity and what role he plays while attempting to turn our attention and affections off things that really matter. We are told, after all, that we are ‘not ignorant of his devices/schemes’ and that we would do well to ‘resist’ him by giving him ‘no place’. (2 Cor. 2:11; James 4:7;Eph. 4:27)
I did spend a bit of time earlier this month explaining how God actually ‘uses’ the enemy to carry out His judgments and wrath and punishment, etc. But I think you might benefit by looking up a few of these verses... that when ‘strung together’ they may offer up a more clear picture of what we are dealing with today, much like a picture becomes more clear as you put those ‘puzzle pieces’ together. Take your time with these...and I’ll see you back here tomorrow, Lord willing. :- ) (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:7-12; 2 Cor. 4:3-4; Acts 26:18; 2 Tim. 2 :25-26; Eph. 2:1-3; 6:10-13)
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