The first ‘official’ announcement from heaven that the King had arrived...took place late in the night, in a remote field where a handful of shepherds, of all people, were tending to their flocks.

It would seem to me that a modern day marketing guru would have scripted this much differently had it been left up for them to do so...would you not agree? You have to give God some ‘style points’ in the fact He did send an ‘angel of the Lord’, surrounded by the ‘glory of the Lord’ shining all around him as the declaration of ‘good tidings and great joy’ was announced. You might also note that this was to be good news for ‘all people’...and not just the Jewish nation. (Luke 2:8-10)

Then comes the birth announcement: “There is born to you this day in the city of David...a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (11)

Next, a small ‘clue’ is given to help these shepherds identify this long awaited King, Messiah, and Deliverer...”This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.” (12)

Wait, ...what? Excuse me? Are we talking about the same person? Did you say a baby bundled up in swaddling cloth lying in a...manger? Isn’t that a barn or stable where animals are kept? Are we talking about the same ‘King’ here? What kind of an entrance and receiving area is that for a ‘King’ whose line of royalty originates from heaven above? But there was no time for questions because now the ‘choir’ has taken center stage as a ‘multitude of the heavenly host’ begin praising God affirming that peace and goodwill has come to all men on earth. (13-14)

Then, as quickly as this ‘event’ unfolded and took place...the show was over and they all returned to heaven. (15). The startled, yet amazed shepherds quickly made their way to Bethlehem to ‘see this thing that had come to pass which the Lord had made known to them’.

Interestingly, about three months prior to the birth of Jesus, His cousin John was being circumcised back home. We can read a prophesy that was given by Zacharias, John’s father, that spoke of what this newborn King would eventually do. It’s found in Luke 1 and we learn He has come to ‘redeem His people’(Lu.1:68). Want to guess what He will ‘redeem’ us from? Check out Titus 2:14. We also are told that we will be ‘saved from our enemies’. (Lu.1:71). And who is our enemy? (1 Pet. 5:8) Also, there is a good reason as to why He ‘delivers us from the hand of our enemies’ (Lu. 1:74) we can in turn ... ‘serve holiness and righteousness...all the days of our life’.(Lu. 1:75).  Oh, and what 'connection' can you make here with Romans 5:9...where 'enemies = _________?

That almost sounds like Déjà vu ...because there was a previous generation of folks who were delivered from the hand of Pharaoh back in Egypt so that God’s people might ‘come out and worship Him’. Remember that story? But this time around, there is so much more that is promised as God has sent His Son to ‘give knowledge of salvation to His the remission of their sins...(76-77) and...”to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death...and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” (79). So much promise tied in with this grand birth...and then, for the most part, all the fanfare drops off the radar. We really don’t hear or read or know much about what transpires over the next 30 years with Jesus.

Yes, we will hear of some ‘wise men from the East’ who will pay a visit. King Herod will catch wind of some ‘king’ being born and then issue an order for a massacre to be carried out in the alleged area of Bethlehem. Joseph will take Mary and Jesus down to Egypt for a season, and then there is the one recorded event that involved Jesus when He was about 12. But other than that...not much at all is shared with us. Friends...I think we can all agree...that the ‘experts’ got it wrong in how they anticipated...and thought... the arrival of their Messiah would play out. All that to say...if the religious establishment of that day got it wrong the first time...who’s to say they might not get it right, again when it comes to His second coming? But more on that later...

Until then... have a blessed Christmas, and may I encourage you to enjoy the video clip (about 20 minutes) that paints out in a touching that first night we just looked at might have played out. See the link in the first comment box below ...and Lord willing, I'll have a Christmas message to share with you tomorrow.


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