So about that ‘old man’ of yours...(you know who I’m talking about!) The one who is always ‘tripping you up’ and gets ‘the best of you at times’, causing you to stumble and sin. Can we talk about him some today? This is Day 4 of a little year-end review I felt compelled to share.
I think we can all identify with ‘him/it’, similar to how we might view that one crazy uncle or relative we all seem to have and try to steer them away when nice company are over. Can’t we just lock him up in the attic or down in the basement until everyone is gone so as not to create an embarrassing scene. I’m talking of course about that old ‘carnal nature’ that we all have lived with for who knows how long. I chose to use this familiar graphic today that most of you have probably seen before. That ‘old man’ seems to produce a particular kind of ‘fruit’...that Paul said would prevent us from inheriting the kingdom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21)
Take a minute and read through Ephesians 2:1-3 as it has to be one of the most clear explanations as to what our ‘condition’ was prior to coming to Jesus with all our hearts. He says we were ‘dead’ in our sins, and under the control or influence of the “prince of the power of the air, the ‘spirit’ who now works IN the sons of disobedience”. And it is through that 'carnal nature' that he operate in and throughThat would also be the same ‘spirit’ who influences the whole world. (1 John 5:19)
We read in Romans 8:7-8 that this ‘carnal’ nature is hostile towards God, like being an ‘enemy’ towards God and cannot nor will not subject itself to God’s law. How about that... we’re back to referencing the ‘law’ again. Something needs to be done with this nature because Rom. 8:13 says if we continue to live according to it, we ‘will die’. But IF...we ‘put it to death by the Spirit’, we will live.
Please note it does not say we are to ‘control it’ or ‘dial it down some’ or continue to walk in it helplessly while we wear some ‘pseudo-Jesus-costume’ that hides it. He said we are to ‘put it to death’, and that is not symbolic language either. In fact, when you read through the first six verses in Romans 6, it seems to suggest that when we were baptized into Christ, ‘our old man was crucified’ with Him. And a quick look at Galatians 5:24 will tell you exactly who the ones are that ‘belong to Christ’; ...why don’t you go take a quick look at that again.
This seems to be a recurring theme throughout the NT. (Col. 3:5-10) And it was one of the central themes of Jesus who constantly reminded us how anyone who chooses to follow Him must ‘lay down their life’ by ‘taking up a cross’ and ‘dying daily’, or ‘denying’ one’s self. We believers really don’t have a problem with hearing that message from time to time, even quoting some of those phrases from scripture when we are feeling ‘extra spiritual’ on occasion. Our big problem is actually ‘doing it’. And we know what that leads to- James 1:22.
Why is dealing with this ‘old man’ so critical? Well, that ‘nature’ is what propels us to continue practicing ‘sin’, and those who abide in Jesus, no longer do that- sin. (1 John 3:6). Why is that not encouraging to us believers...that we can actually overcome all sin instead of having to 'struggle' with it the rest of our lives here on earth?
And we are told those who are the true ‘sons of God’ are the ones who are ‘led by His Spirit’. (Rom. 8:14) and His Spirit will lead us to put that nature to death. (Rom. 8:13) Otherwise, we will remain a ‘slave to sin’ and Jesus makes it clear that a ‘slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever’. (John 8:34-35)
But if you by chance stumbled across ‘another gospel’ that teaches you differently,(2 Cor. 11:3-4) then you may very well be on that ‘wide path’ with a whole lot of other folks, heading to a wide gate... that we are told ends in ‘destruction’. (Matt. 7:13-14). Interesting how that warning leads us right in to those chilling words Jesus uttered in vs. 21-23. Care to read them one more time? See you tomorrow....Lord willing.
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