It’s one of those photos that first captures your eye...and then keeps you fixed on it as you try to figure out what you are looking at. I would venture to guess you have seen it before, or something similar to it. It’s an aerial view of a band of camels traversing a desert landscape. At first, you are convinced you are looking at the silhouetted camels before you realize that what has captured your their shadows. Then, upon closer examination you see the actual camel itself which seems miniscule in comparison to the long shadow they are casting as the sun is setting. Truly an amazing view and image that graced the cover of National Geographic a few years back.

I want to share a message today that might be a tad different (and longer than usual). It’s one of those lessons that after you read/study it, you may find a need to just ‘put it on a shelf’ for further contemplation and meditation. I would encourage you to do that with anything you read here that I share if at first, it doesn’t ‘land well’ with you, and you find a need for further understanding and clarity. Trust me, the Holy Spirit is always willing and ready to do that when there is ‘truth’ to be learned. (John 16:13; 1 John 2:27)

There is no shortage of ‘voices’ out there today saying a lot of things in regards to what we are seeing take place in the world today, especially when it comes to ‘end time events’ and where we might be on God’s ‘timeline’ regarding His return. Jesus gave us plenty of heads up warnings to ‘be not deceived’ as ‘many would come’ during this time and lead people astray. (Matt. 24). And one thing I have noticed is how often much of what is being talked about are ‘world events’ that are unfolding before our it what is happening on the global scene with countries in the Middle East, or the severity of changing weather patterns, to world currencies and monetary systems seemingly headed towards a similar, digital destination point.

And closer to home, much is talked about regarding some of the challenges we face in our own country, especially with what many refer to as our ‘border crisis’. I would humbly submit to you today a caution, or sorts, against being overly pre-occupied with that you are seeing in the ‘natural’ realm. I would suggest that what we are witnessing with our ‘natural’ eyes, is merely a ...shadow...of what is happening in the ‘spiritual’ realm.

Paul makes mention in his letter to the Colossians that those things with which the Jews were familiar with pertaining to their customs and traditions, were merely a ‘shadow of things to come...” (2:16-17). Think of it this way- in my photo above, the ‘shadow’ is what catches your eye, but the reality takes you a moment to really ‘see’. In the kingdom of God, it’s just the opposite. What your natural eye is ‘seeing’ is just a ‘shadow’ of what is taking the spirit realm. I know...sounds suspect. But it will only be the Holy Spirit that confirms this to you...if there be any truth to this; and I trust He will do just that.

Let’s look to the scriptures for a better explanation. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12 that it is ‘not flesh and blood...that we contend with’ , rather it is ‘spiritual forces of wickedness’ and ‘rulers of darkness in the heavenlies’. In other words, your ‘enemy’ is not...the ‘liberals’, or ‘MAGA’, or the ‘communist’, the ‘mainstream media outlets’...or your ‘mother-in-law’ for that matter. ;- ). Peter tells us exactly who our ‘enemy’ is and says it is the ‘devil’. (1 Pet. 5:8). Paul strongly suggest we ‘give him no place’ given we are not ‘ignorant of his devices’. (Eph. 4:27; 2 Cor. 2:11)

When Paul gave a somber warning to the church in Acts 13:40-41, citing the prophet’s warning regarding the coming of the ‘Chaldeans’ to execute the vengeance of God by ‘possessing dwelling places that are not theirs’, (Habakkuk 1:6-7.12) he was not suggesting a literal uprising of this feared people from centuries ago who were about to show up on the scene once again to wreak havoc.

When Jesus spoke about ‘as it was in the days of Noah’ and a coming ‘flood’, He was not suggesting more rising oceans and hurricanes were the things to dread or be concerned about. (Matt. 24:37-39). When He mentioned something about ‘seeing Jerusalem surrounded by armies’ (Luke 21:20) I can assure you He is not suggesting we ought to be tracking every move of Hamas, or the Syrians, or the Russians or the Iranians. All these ‘natural’ entities are merely a ‘shadow’ of what is happening the ‘spiritual world’.

When we continue to hear and read of raging ‘wildfires’ and ‘historic flooding’ that seems to be on the rise, I would not pay as much attention to those ‘natural events’ as if they were something to be pre-occupied with. On the contrary, I would submit to you that they are merely ‘shadows’ of an increase of God’s wrath that is being unleashed in the form of ‘spiritual forces of darkness’ as in ‘destroying angels’ (Ps. 78:49-50) that are at work. Have you ever noticed in both the OT and NT writings....that God’s wrath is often likened to ‘fire and floods’ being poured out? I can assure you now, He’s not talking about literal fires and floods.

Take our ‘border crisis’ that I mentioned earlier, for example. Much concern and anxiety is expressed over the ‘flow of unwanted...trouble’ entering in our country. We hear about all the thugs, gangs, outlaws and flow of drugs coming in to wreak havoc and destruction throughout our land. Please don’t mis-interpret this to be some political rant on my part, but if you think that some new ‘king’ will erect a wall to keep the enemy out, then you are focusing on the ‘shadow’ of what is really happening today in this country...and world, for that matter. And it is NOT ‘flesh and blood’ who is ‘coming steal, kill, and destroy’.

Again, I simply submit for your consideration...that what we are witnessing today is... God has removed His ‘hedge of protection’, which is what ‘borders’ are supposed to do, in theory. When God removed that ‘hedge’ from Job, who was allowed, by God, to attack him? (Job 1-2).

Now take a look at Isaiah 5. I would suggest you spend time reading the whole chapter, but for now, look at vs. 1-7. What did God say He was removing there in vs. 5...and what would follow? We are living in that day and time now, my friends. My concern is for so many in the ‘church’ today will be lulled into a false sense of security because they may potentially see a ‘physical wall’ erected on the border and think ‘all is well’ in the world today. What did Paul warn would happen to those who begin to proclaim ‘peace and safety’ in 1 Thess. 5:1-6?

All this to say is: be careful with what grabs your attention. Yes, there are ‘natural’ events and disasters and tragedies that are taking place, and I’m not suggesting they need to be ignored by governments. But for the true believer who is abiding in Christ, you should be reminded that these are just ‘shadows’ of what is happening in the spiritual realm, because the kingdom we are inheriting is not of this world. And those who have ‘ears to hear...let them hear what the Spirit is saying’. But also remember...when the ‘enemy comes in like a flood’ (Isa.59:19)...Jesus makes it known that those who are not ‘in the ark’ will never know what hit them is too late. (Matt. 24:39; Luke 17:27). You may also want to take a close look at Isa. 42:23-25 and Daniel 12:1-10). Join me tomorrow? 


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