May I talk with you today about the goodness of God? He really is a ‘good God’, full of mercy and compassion...whose love knows no end. He is the Creator of this universe and the world we live on, and for oh, such a brief moment (Acts 17:24-30; James 4:14)...and He is the one who formed and created you, ‘knowing you before you were in the womb’. (Jer. 1:5)
Paul writes, encouraging us to ‘consider both the goodness and the severity of the Lord...’. (Rom. 11:22). Some of you might rightly accuse me of spending more time focusing on the ‘severity’ part, but I make no apologies there; it is for good reason. But that does not take away my love and appreciation for His loving kindness. Trust me...I have come to know of His goodness in ways I never dreamed possible.
Allow me, if you share some truths found in the pages of our beloved Bible that only echo what God has in store...for those who love Him and know Him.(1 Cor. 2:9)
We are told to ‘not forget His benefits’...given He is a God who not only ‘forgives us of all of our iniquities, but He heals us of all of our diseases.’ (PS. 103:2-3)
Jesus reminds us that our Father knows we have earthly needs and promises that all these things will be added to us...provided we seek first...His kingdom and His righteousness. (Matt. 6:25-33)
It is God’s will and desire that we ‘prosper in all things and be in health...just as our soul prospers’. (3 John 2)
To those who have been blessed with material wealth in this world, Paul admonishes them to ‘not be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God...who gives us richly all things to enjoy.’ (1 Tim. 6:17)
And you know as well as I do there are plenty of folks in this world who seemingly ‘have much’, yet are majorly deficient in having those genuine ‘riches’ like true peace...and joy. Jesus promised that to us as well, provided we abide in Him. (John 15:11; 16:33)
These attributes about God should not be news to us. We read over and over how God promised similar things to those who trusted in Him and obeyed Him as He led them into the promised land...where He was going to meet every need they had, even promising to give them rest from all their enemies; and get this: He would remove ALL sickness and disease from them. Why there would not even be infertility or miscarriages among them or their livestock. (Deut. 7:14-15). He just pleaded with them not to ‘forget’ Him nor stray from those things He instructed them to do. (Heb. 2:1; 1 Tim. 6:10; Luke 6:46)
And listen to this promise found in Ps. 84:11: “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” No. Good. Thing. Would you let that sink in for a moment?
May I remind us all, once again...that God did not send Jesus into this world to condemn us, rather...that through Him, we might be ‘saved’. (John 3:17). And straight from the lips of Jesus Himself...He makes it known: “I’ve come...that you might have life, and it...more abundantly’. (John 10:10)
Friends...these are just a few...of the many promises found in scripture that point to and affirm of His goodness and mercy and loving kindness that He has for us. But if you read through many of those verses too quickly, you will miss a very important point that is woven in which suggest there are ‘conditions’ to being recipients of all those....’benefits’.
How misguided would any of us be if given the chance to sit down and interview for the ultimate dream job and career, a position with the most prestigious company in the world... if all we did was press the interviewer about the ‘benefits package’ and the pay that came with this coveted position. If all your attention and all your questions were centered around what ‘you get’, like salary, and vacation days and insurance benefits and retirement compensation and advancement opportunities, while seemingly unconcerned or interested in what your role and responsibilities would be if hired, what kind of message might you be sending?
Please hear me on this: God's love for us is unconditional...of that, you can be sure. But the same cannot be said about His promises.
“You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life....but you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” (John 5:39-40)
For unto us, a Child is born...unto us, a Son is given... (Isa. 9:6)
Merry Christmas....”taste and see that the Lord is good...” (Ps. 34:8)
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