Trust me...when I tell you that when this subject of ‘sinning no more’ gets brought up...it really bothers people...I mean, it angers them. Go figure. And it’s not like I’m making up this idea...I’m simply telling you what your bible says. I have pointed out to some in the past, these verses and actually had them ‘slam the door shut’ in my face during an online chat. I’ve seen others bow up in anger when I suggest the scripture teaches we can walk and ‘sin no more’. It’s the craziest thing to see this kind of response directed...not at me...but to the Word itself. Folks will want to bring out commentaries and suggest it’s nonsense. Others will want to cite personal experiences and failures to suggest why God’ word could not possibly mean what it says. In fact, the more opposition I see to such an idea tells me that maybe there is more to studying and sharing this than what I first thought. We do read where we have a spiritual enemy who comes to refute the word ...