No telling how folks received yesterday’s posting. I’m just going to keep sharing from the Word what I feel compelled to share and leave the results up to God and am confident that the Holy Spirit is more than able to help you process it all. Having said that, please know that I am totally open to any questions you may have if you want to private message me. I prefer to avoid discussion and debate on the open thread itself. 

 The question that all of us should be asking ourselves which I pointed out yesterday is this: IF we have truly been set free from sin, then WHY do we continue to sin?” That really is a great question and one that I think God is constantly wanting to ask us. I’m sure that question was asked repeatedly after 1865 when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves everywhere in this country after a bloody Civil War. No doubt...there were ‘freed slaves’ who continued to live as slaves and for varying reasons I’d suspect. For many, they were not even aware of their freedom...hence the ‘Juneteenth Celebration/holiday’ we just recognized this past month. 

 But let’s talk about our spiritual freedom and/or bondage. I offered up plenty of scripture yesterday making the case that not only did the death and resurrection of Christ cleanse us of our sinful past (provided we turn our lives and hearts to Him) but He also freed us so that we could truly ‘go...and sin no more’. Jesus was very clear in His statement recorded in John 8:32,34, 36 that whoever commits sin is a slave to sin but that we might know the truth and be set free and whomever Jesus sets free is free indeed! 

 So again...if we were set free by His power, what He came to set captives free (Luke 4:18) then why do the majority of professing their own admission...continue to sin? Granted, they might say they don’t sin as ‘bad or as often as they used to...but they still sin’. So let’s look at some possible answers to that question as to why. 

 1. Perhaps just like the freed (but ill-informed) slaves we read about in American history, maybe you just have never been taught or learned the truth (that sets you free) of what Christ actually did for you and enables you to do today as a follower of His. In all likelihood, you just bought in to the lie that has been propagated for generations...that we will always sin ‘on this side of heaven’. And you were taught that the beauty of this Christian faith is that though you are” not perfect, you are forgiven.” So we basically use that as our ‘pass’ like a ‘get out of jail free’ card to keep on sinning. No big deal. 

 Yes...the scripture teaches us in 1 John 2:1 that IF (not when) anyone sins, we can go to Jesus and find forgiveness. In some ways, being a new convert learning how to walk with Christ is much like being a ‘babe’ and you will stumble and be chastened by the Lord and learn to overcome as you mature in Him. But as you learn to abide in Him, you will soon discover that you ‘no longer sin’ as made clear in 1 John 3:6. James spends most of his letter rebuking believers who were exhibiting both kinds of fruit (good and bad) ...a double-minded lifestyle which explained why their prayers were going unanswered and why they needed to repent. In fact, as he closes out his letter with calling those who are sick to be prayed over by elders with oil, that not only will they receive healing, but their sins will be forgiven. Many don’t like to draw a line of connection with that idea though. 

 2. IF we were taught ‘another gospel’, convincing us that we would always be ‘sinners’ yet God was cool with it and understanding, you can rest assure that ‘other gospel’ was not sent by God. So if not Him, then want to guess who? Yep...the one who can disguise himself as an ‘angel of light’ and sends out many ‘wolves dressed like sheep’ to lead God’s sheep astray. That’s also probably why James cautions those who want to be teachers/pastors that they will face a harsher judgement for failing to teach the true gospel and ‘good news’ to His people. (2 Cor. 11:14; Matt. 7:15; James 3:1) 

 Remember...whether you were misinformed or simply not informed at all as to what Christ did and continues to do for us today, you your own admission...continued to sin. And sin opens the door for the enemy to come in to steal, kill, and destroy. No wonder Satan wants God’s people to be’s like having a key to the sheepfold where he can continue to come in and devour us. And that also explains God’s assessment that His people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) 

 I think the people I feel the greatest burden for these days...are sincere believers who have been doing their best for years, if not decades, and continue to struggle greatly ...with various sins and the SAME sins for as long as they can remember. Let me just declare to you now in the name of Jesus’s NOT supposed to be like that for you. 

 Now that is not to say that you won’t face various temptations...but those temptations basically come in the form of ‘test’ (James 1:2-4, 12-15). God will allow us to be tested/tempted for two reasons. First, to show us what is in our heart that needs to come out. You may know already of some areas, but you’d be surprised of ‘other things’ that you were not even aware of until the Word or the Holy Spirit reveals it to you through those tests. Remember, our hearts are pretty defiled when we come to Him and we often don’t even know what is in there until He shows us. (Jer. 17:9-10, Mark 7:21-23) 

 Then, when God points it out (or you see it manifest) i.e. fits of anger and rage or various lusts or spirits of unforgiveness and resentment, etc...(it is not a short list) we are to immediately confess it and repent of it when God says “This one needs to Go!” It’s in that moment that you turn in your heart from that sin and ask Jesus to remove it faith, the blood of Jesus is applied to that particular sin area and ‘source’. (truth be told, it’s an unclean ‘spirit’ that had ground in your life for any number of reasons.). Remember, you can’t do this or overcome this on your own. It’s ONLY by His grace and mercy. IF you are truly sincere in wanting to turn to Jesus with ALL your heart, you will allow Him to remove that particular sin from your life. 

 This would be a good place to revisit Matt. 12:43-45 where you see what happens to that spirit when he ‘goes out of a man’. It will at some point return to find a way back in. This is the see if you really love God more than...that spirit of greed/anger/pride/lust/resentment, etc. Just know this time...because you truly want to abide in Him that the biggest part of your struggle was ‘cast out’ or ‘removed’. And during this time of ‘testing’ or ‘temptation’, it is by the grace of God you stand in that time of testing...and He gives you just enough grace to resist...but your old flesh nature will ‘suffer some’. This is how you put that old nature to death...for good. If you are really serious about overcoming, may I encourage you to look up, write down, and study these verses: (Heb.2:18, 4:15-16). Then when that test comes and you submit to God’s grace which is present right then and there in that time of need, you humble yourself (He gives grace to the humble) and when you resist the devil he has to flee. (James 4:6-8). You’ll recall those Canaanite nations didn’t come off the land because the Israelites were stronger than them. On the contrary, God told them just the opposite and that He would be the one removing them. 

 So during this time of ‘testing’ I said, your flesh will ‘suffer’ some as it dies. But James tells us to ‘count it all joy’ (1:2-3). Then, as Peter tells us in 5:10...after you have suffered awhile, God then comes and strengthens and perfects and builds you up. You are proving to God that you love Him more than you do that sin of _______. Keep in mind, Peter knew something about these fiery test...hence his encouraging words to us in 4:12 – Beloved...don’t think it is strange concerning this fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ sufferings.” 

 This is the kind of ‘suffering’ we are called to do as Christians when we take up our own cross. It has everything to do with putting this ‘old man to death’. It is Not option. It’s not like you can ‘hold on to that critical spirit’ you have always yielded to...but then go fast two days and give extra money to the poor to atone for it. That’s not how this works. 

 Again...I quote Peter from 4:1-2- “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men but for the will of God.” That one should have really turned some lights on inside for you. That is what this walk of faith and salvation is all about...’clearing the land’ or ‘purifying our hearts’ so we can truly die to self and allow Christ to live in and through us. We have to ‘decrease so He can increase’. And now go read Gal. 5:24...those who truly belong to Christ have done...._____(what?) 

 I should address the third reason as to why so many continue to sin...but I think I will save that one for tomorrow. I want to believe that there are more of you who fall in to those first two categories...where you simply had no idea that you could be set free (or were, actually) and have struggled and been conflicted yet never knew why. You know you had a genuine conversion when you first came to God...but you know it’s been a long time since you felt that abundance of peace and joy and love that washed over you...yet...over time...just...’cooled off’ and you never knew why. 

 Others...just were not taught the truth, or you learned another modified gospel’ that at best...enabled you to walk in a ‘form of godliness’ but all this time robbed you of the true power of God to overcome all sin. (2 Tim. 3:5). Some of you may be like that man in Matt. 7 who was out doing all these great things in the name of God...but have yet to hear those sobering words that he did in vs. 23. I believe that is why God is sounding the alarm and sending us His warning to get it together. (Eph. 5:14; Rom. 13:11-14). He’s not waking us up so we can feel condemned and defeated. He’s waking us up and sending light so we can make ourselves ready...we’ve been invited to a wedding...and WE are supposed to be the bride He is coming for. But you might make note as to what that bride will look like: ‘not having spot or wrinkle...pure, holy and without blemish’. (Eph. 5:27; Matt. 25:10; Rev. 19:7). 

Take some time with this one...and I’ll see you tomorrow. ;-)


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