There is a word that appears hundreds of times in our bibles, in both OT and NT that we for some reason really don’t know what to do with. I think in part it is because we really don’t understand what all it encompasses and means. Oh, we can rattle off definitions and it’s not a word we are unfamiliar with. It’s just that we are not really sure how it fits in and is applied to our faith and love for God. And I’m not suggesting that you will even have a better grasp of it after you read this post nor am I suggesting that I have it ‘all figured out’ myself. I will say that I have a heightened awareness of this ‘word’ but trying to explain it is not that simple given we all have so many viewpoints of it based on our own experiences and understanding of it. 

Let me see if you can identify the word in this one passage I shared the other day from Deuteronomy. We were talking about how God was wanting to re-introduce Himself to a generation of His people who did not know Him. And in case you forgot, He had to deliver them from bondage and slavery. People who don’t know God...end up that way...whether they know it or not. Nothing has changed. Jesus came centuries later after this to ‘set captives free’ and to re-introduce God to humanity. We live in a day now where I would suggest we need another re-introduction. But here is what God said way back then: 

 “Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.” (Deut. 4:10) 

I bet it jumped out at you, yes? The word is ‘fear’. do....with this word? It might be a good idea for us just take a look at how often it is used and in what context it is used, before we try to apply some simple meaning or definition to it. I have a feeling that it will take the help of the Holy Spirit to give you and I and anyone else a more concise understanding of this word and how it applies to our faith and relationship with God...better He do it than myself or some commentary on a bookshelf. 

Please note: God wanted this gathering of Abraham’s descendants whom He had just delivered from Egypt in miraculous hear what He had to say so that...they might ‘fear’ Him. 

The only input I want to insert here that may help our study is to suggest that when we read that God wants us to ‘fear Him’, ...He’s not saying that He wants us to ‘be afraid’ of Him. I believe there is a difference. God’s desire has always been for us to draw turn come to Him. “Come unto me...all you who are weary...” (Matt. 11:28). Have you ever tried to coax a frightened kitten or puppy out from under a car or building so you could provide loving care for it? Spooking it and screaming at it can be counterproductive. 

So it helps to establish that since God wants us to ‘fear Him’...whatever that may mean. This was an issue or observation He made through Jeremiah when He asked: “Do you not fear me? Says the Lord... Will you not tremble at My presence...these people have a defiant and rebellious heart; they have revolted and departed. They do not say in their heart, ‘Let us now fear the Lord our God’...” (5:22-24) 

Paul would write to the church quoting the psalmist referring to future generations that “the way of peace they have not known...there is no fear of God before their eyes”. (Rom 3:71-18) 

Again...without offering a clear definition of the word, there seems to be a gross absence of this seemingly important element of how we view or look upon God with...’fear’. I would even suggest that the absence of it has contributed greatly to much needless suffering and misery and heartache for countless people. Why do I say that? Well, God spoke through Hosea and said that His people were being ‘destroyed for a lack of knowledge’. (4:6). In other words, not knowing something was contributing to the suffering of so many people...that God refers to as ‘His’ people. 

 You would admit, yes...that ignorance of ‘information’ can lead to suffering and even death? I read years ago how when doctors began to understand the concept of microscopic germs and bacteria could lead to infection and greater illness when performing crude surgeries during the Civil War era...that they began to sanitize their medical instruments and saw a dramatic turnaround in recovery rates after doing surgery on patients. Go figure. 

So when God says His people are destroyed for a ‘lack of knowledge’ ...and then we read that ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge’ (Prov. 1:7) ...maybe we have been missing out on something if God says there is an absence of fear among us? 

 I know we have this tendency when we hear scripture from the OT to hold up our hand, twist our head with a look of ‘Yeah...but...”. There has been this subtle mindset that when Jesus came, He changed all that OT stuff up in dramatic fashion. So let’s wade in to some NT passages that address this concept of ‘fear’. 

Jesus had been explaining to His disciples that they could expect to be ‘hated by all’ for His namesake...and it was a theme He repeated on several occasions...that true followers would be hated and despised and rejected and persecuted by many for sharing His gospel. “Woe to them when all men speak well of you.” (Luke 6:26) But then He admonishes them here in Matt. 10:28 “do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Jesus is indeed affirming the importance of ‘fearing God’...whatever that means. 

Reading through the book of Act, we see frequently, references to this rapidly expanding group of believers, (the church) where “fear came upon every soul” and “great fear came upon all who heard these things” and “fear came upon them all” as the name of the Lord was magnified and signs and wonders were performed by the hands of the disciples. ( 2:43; 5:5; 19:17) 

We are reminded to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). Yeah...I know that one bothers us some because it really doesn’t fit with our concept of a ‘salvation that comes by faith alone’. 

Paul wrote to the Corinthians in his second letter saying “Having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (7:1) 

I know I cite many passages from the OT and for good reason. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 10:1-11 that all these things happened to those folks as ‘examples and warnings’ to us on whom the end of the age has come. Warnings? What does that suggest? So now read in Hebrews 3:7-19 where again, Paul using those folks in the wilderness as a glaring example as to what sin and rebellion leads to, and how their unbelief and disobedience led to them not entering in to this promised land of rest and peace. Then in 4:1...continuing this line of thought and example we read “Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear...lest any of you seem to have come short if it.” 

Again, not wanting to attempt to ‘define fear’, as I think the Holy Spirit will do a much better job enlightening those who truly want to understand more...I will also say that it is something we need to be taught. “Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” (Ps. 34:11). 

 I would hope by now, for those of you who have been reading these daily postings on a regular basis, have sensed a spurring on to get in and study these things out for yourself. You just can’t take my word for NEED to dive in and search these things out for yourself. (Acts 17:11) There is a great website I used,, that offers up multiple versions of the bible online and also serves as a great search engine. You might consider plugging in the word ‘fear’ and just start reading through all the verses in bible that offers up all the promises and benefits to those who ‘fear’ God...whatever that may mean. 

 It has been my own personal experience that as I have come to get a better grasp of this concept (fear of God) , that it has contributed to a greater awareness of His presence in my life which I also have discovered to be synonymous with abiding in Him as well. Simply put: When we truly begin to experience the ‘fear of God’, one will discover how it changes you to the point where you don’t find yourself doing...and saying a lot of things we use to say and do. And I’ll just leave it at that...for now. ;- ) 

It’s good to be back...see you tomorrow?


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