A man who was possessed by thousands of demon spirits...had an encounter with Jesus that led to his freedom from captivity; and once they were cast out of him, this man whom ‘no one could tame’ was found to be in ‘his right mind’. (Mark 5:1-15). It’s important to point out that nowhere in scripture is it suggested that it took this man years of ‘therapy’ to recover. In fact, he was so free and in such a good place that Jesus sent him back home, even encouraging him to share with all his friends the ‘great things the Lord had done for him and how God had compassion on him’. (19). When did God’s ability and willingness to do such things... change? (Mal. 3:6)
Again, let me say that after the demons were gone... he was indeed...in “his right mind” (15). Funny how that comes in to play when talking about being held captive by Satan...and the need for one in such a place to ‘come to their senses’ (2 Tim. 2:25-26; Luke 15:17). It also casts new light on the words Jesus uttered while on the cross when He prayed: “Father...forgive them...they know not what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Anyone familiar with ‘insanity pleas’ in court trials?
It almost makes you wonder if God was serious with all those warnings to us about ‘guarding our hearts and minds’....and being alert and vigilant when it comes to dealing with our ‘enemy’ (1 Pet. 5:8) Paul even instructed us about this ‘spiritual war/conflict’ we are in...and the need to ‘bring into captivity EVERY thought to the obedience of Christ’. (2 Cor. 10:3-6). Where again... are we told to ‘set our minds’ on...in Col. 3:2? And where do we find that path (Luke 1:79; Rom. 3:17) of ‘perfect peace’ according to Isaiah 26:3?
Can I ask you a simple and honest question here? If you were in the military and took part in training to be a member of a Special Forces Unit where you would eventually be deployed into hostile territory, and you had a legitimate enemy that was seeking to kill you, ... do you think it might be wise to pay attention and put into practice some, if not all of the skills you were taught early on in your training? Because failure to do so would most likely lead to you being ‘taken captive, tortured, and eventually put to death’; am I right?
Why do you think it is any different when it comes to God’s kingdom and for us believers who continue to live on the earth here where we have been given ‘weapons’ to make use of in this conflict (2 Cor. 10:4;Eph. 6:10-18)? And please know this: I am in no way suggesting that our thoughts are to be consumed or preoccupied with demons hiding behind every bush. But we are in no way admonished to ‘ignore’ them either (James 4:7; 2 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 4:27)
Oh...and why did God say ‘His people were being destroyed’ (Hosea 4:6) or ‘taken into captivity’? (Jer. 13:15-17; Isa 5:13)
Perhaps God is trying to awaken us (Eph. 4:8 -17) to a few things, maybe even educate or enlighten us... when it comes to dealing with this enemy...whom we are told will be ‘coming in like a flood’ in these last days. (Matt. 24:37-39; Isa. 59:19; Rev. 12:15).
While I don’t advise spending much time feeding on the news of the day, one can’t help but to hear the ever increasing stories ...and statistics of the growing ‘mental health crisis’ in our country. Where do you think all this fear, anxiety, depression, fear, rage and anger, to name a few...are coming from? Why are so many young troubled kids all of a sudden not even sure what gender they are? What is behind all the suicides that shatter families? Have you not read in Luke 21 where Jesus talked of great ‘distress and perplexity coming’ so that ‘men’s hearts would fail from fear for those things where were coming on the earth...as the powers of heaven would be shaken’? (25-26).
Did Jesus not say that because of the increase in lawlessness...that the hearts of men would ‘wax hard’ or that ‘love would grow cold’?(Matt. 24:12)
Amidst this flood of darkness and anguish that many are succumbing to on the earth today, let me assure you...there is still a place of hope, refuge, peace and freedom available to you, and it can be found ‘In Christ’...or ‘in the Ark’. The door has not been shut...yet; and there is room for you as well. What are you waiting for?
“Is there an ‘admission price’, some might ask? Well, I can’t lie to you, and the answer is a bit of a paradox. You see...’salvation’ is a ‘free gift’, as we like to tell folks...but what we also fail to tell them...is it will cost you your ‘life’. Yeah...that’s the ‘small print’ we fail to point out to people when they ‘walk that aisle’. You have to lay it all down and surrender your whole heart to Him. (Luke 14:25-33) That’s...how you get ‘into...the Ark’. That rich young ruler we read about in Matt. 19...never made it in the door. Don’t be like him.
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