We are not told of the circumstances that led up to their meeting together, but it’s not rocket science. Two people, a man and a woman, not married to each other, ended up in bed together. Safe to say they were, as the old song goes...’looking for love in all the wrong places’. Who knows what needs they were struggling to fulfill. Maybe it was just a drunken moment of careless passion. It really does not matter. It happened and much to their horror, at the most inopportune time, the door of their sin came crashing in. Uninvited and clearly with impure motives, in came some ‘church folks’. And they only seemed interested in the woman who was ‘caught in the very act’. (John 8:4). Who knows how dis-shelved she must have looked, and whether she had few, if any clothes about her. I’m guessing they got something wrapped about her though...clearly they had to have some dignity and principals by which they lived. And what a noble group of church folks they we...