It really does not take long, or much effort on the part of our ‘enemy’ ...for God’s people to be led astray, even if it is by a gradual ‘drifting’ (Heb. 2:1) There is a disheartening revelation shared in Judges 2:10 that tells us “when all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.” This was shortly after the death of Joshua, who had led them in to the Promise land. One generation; that was it. I think we forget sometimes the powerful influence we have on our children...one way or another, as in for good ...or for bad. Now read those next three verses there,11-13 and make note of the turn the people took. It was not good. But now comes the important part that we need to pause and take in, maybe underline it and let this truth sink in... remembering that this is the ‘same God’ we claim to know and love today, which we talked about the past two days. We need to bridge...