I’m going to be honest here with you and state the obvious: If you struggle to give any plausible credibility to the idea that ‘spiritual entities of darkness, wickedness, and evil’ truly exists and operate in a literal... ‘spiritual world’ (that we all live in), then much of what I am wading in to here will come across as ‘foolishness to you. And I’m okay with that because I’m not here to impress anyone with intellect or theology. Paul said that to people who are ‘perishing’, this message is ‘foolishness’(1 Cor. 1:18). When talking about demon spirits and how He gave His disciples ‘power over all the power of the devil’, Jesus said these things are ‘hid from the wise and the prudent’ (prideful) but God ‘reveals it to the babes’. (Luke 10:19-21) Guess how these things are ‘hid’ from them? (2 Cor. 3-4) Did you catch that part about ‘perishing’ there? And just who do you think Paul is referring to when he mentions the ‘god of this age’? I bet it is the same ‘prince of the air.....