If you had told me on this day when I turned 20 back in 1980 that I would start the morning of my 65th birthday writing and sharing with others what I had come to learn about ‘demon spirits’, I would have probably looked at you like a young calf stares at a new gate; but here we are. :- )
I waded back into this topic several days ago after promising I would address why dealing with our ‘carnal nature’ was so critically important. And when I say ‘deal with’, I mean dealing with it the way the Bible teaches and the need to ‘put it to death’. (Rom. 6:6-7; 8:13; Col. 3:5-9). That is, after all, what those who belong to Christ have done (past tense- Gal. 5:24) Again, we were not advised to ‘dial it down, put it on a leash, or in a cage’ either.
It. Must. Die.
For the record, when we refer to or speak of ‘the flesh’, we are talking about that carnal nature (the old man) many, if not all of us seem to manifest early on in life that is rooted in selfishness, pride, and rebellion. The variety of ‘fruit’ that is manifested is listed in Gal. 5:19-21 and Romans 1:29-32, with reminders that those who continue to live out and bear such ‘fruit’ will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. You might also make note of Matt. 3:10 and 7:19.
Paul explained to us in Ephesians 2:1-3 that it is through this fleshly and carnal nature that the powers of darkness, (the prince of the air and the spirit) operates in and through. Yes...read that again if need be, and read those verses as well.
Now let’s look at two verses, side-by-side, and see if a few ‘lightbulbs’ don’t come on for us here. Ephesians 4:27...Paul says as concisely as anyone could state: “Give NO place to the devil!’ Then, we read in Romans 13:14 that we are to “make NO provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” Do you think there might be any connection or relationship to such counsel?
Let’s go back to the early days of creation when man first appeared on the scene. Things went awry quickly when Adam and Eve did not take to heart how serious God was about them not eating off one particular tree. (Gen. 2:17). They ate...and life as they knew it changed in a heartbeat. It brought death and separation from God into the world; which by the way... sin still does that today. (Isa. 59:2; Rom. 6:23). It also brought a ‘curse’ upon the man, the woman, and the ‘serpent’. (Gen. 3:14-19) And it’s the curse on the serpent in particular, that I want to point out here...once again...in closing. On its belly he would crawl...all the days of his life...and ‘dust’ would be what he would ‘eat’.
Friends...what is man’s ‘flesh’ made from? (Gen. 3:19)
Time for a little ‘spiritual insight’ here...that only God can provide if we are willing to humble ourselves and ask for it: Our carnal, fleshly nature, that is hostile towards God...is ‘serpent food’. (Rom. 8:7-8). And how did Peter describe our ‘enemy, the devil’ as...in regards to going about like a ‘roaring lion...seeking to devour’? (1 Pet. 5:8). As I've said in the past and will say again- if a 'house' is overrun with unwanted 'pests and critters', you can make great strides in getting rid of them by removing their 'food source'.
Chew on that for a bit....pun intended.
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