Regarding these ‘conditions’ ...we read about in 2 Chron. 7:14... where God’s people need to ‘turn from their wicked ways’ if they expected their ‘land to be healed’...Do you think it’s possible that our idea of ‘wicked ways’ and what God calls ‘wicked ways’ might differ?

The Catholic church thought they could simplify it and break them up into two categories, ‘venial’ and ‘mortal’ sins. One group for sure would keep you out of heaven and send you to hell while the others were to be expected ,though not encouraged, and at worst could make life a bit more challenging for you.

All I know to do is point you back to what the Bible says...and how you receive and process these verses is between you and God. I just want to make sure you know they are there.

Paul writes: “These things should not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints...” (Eph 5:3). In other words...’saints’ (followers of Jesus-John 10:27) don’t do or live like this. Shall we proceed and see what some of those ‘things’ are? First one out of the gate is sexual immorality (fornication) followed up by impurity and coveting. Is it not ironic how many sincere believers today might do well in avoiding that sexual immorality ‘sin’, but have no problem with turning on a TV or movie and enjoy being ‘entertained’ by it?

He goes on...and it helps to look at these in various translations if you want to be thorough in your understanding. “Neither obscenity/indecency/filthiness...nor foolish talking or crude joking...which are out of character (for saints)...”(4) Have you ever told a questionable ‘joke’, or posted something online for others to see...and immediately afterwards you felt a bit ‘off’, as in ‘not good’, but others seemed to find it entertaining and amusing so you let it go? Do you think that might have been the Holy Spirit tugging at you asking ‘why share that when it does not please Me?’ FYI- every time we ignore that ‘tug’ from the Lord, our heart grows harder and harder. (Heb. 3:13; 1 Tim. 4:2)

Paul then brings up a point that he assumes is common knowledge: “For this you know...that no fornicator, impure person, nor covetous/greedy man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.”(5). I see no ‘footnote’ there with a clarification that adds: ‘unless you are a Christian’. He even drives home the point that one might be deceived into believing with ‘empty words’ that you could escape or be immune to God’s wrath for doing or participating in such things.(6). Why not flip over to the next book, Colossians 3, and read vs. 5-9 where he basically repeats himself here, even throwing in a few other ‘sins’ into the mix, like anger and malice, lying and evil desires.

Ready for more? You can comb through Galatians 5:19-21 where Paul basically gives a lengthy list of what the ‘deeds/works of the flesh’ look like, ranging from sorcery, murder, and adultery to selfish ambitions and outbursts of anger and hatred. And look how he ends this passage, reminding us, once again...”those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” footnote exempting you because you are a deacon or a Sunday school teacher at your church.

Oh, look at 1 Cor. 10:10-11 where you can read how God sent the ‘destroyer to destroy’ a group of His people...and for what reason? And why does Paul point this out, according to verse 11? Do you mind underlining Philippians 2:14-15 real quick?

And since we are just browsing through various passages that layout what God seems to suggest He does not care to see among His people, ‘wicked ways’ as we read in 2 Chron. 7:14, take a look at the story Jesus shared in Matt. 18. It was about a man who was forgiven a great debt by his master (27). Unfortunately, this man who was released of this debt did not demonstrate the same love and mercy to one of his servants, that he himself had been the recipient of. When the master heard about this, he called for this man to be brought to him. Look at what he called him there in vs. 32. My version reads ‘you wicked servant’. You might just finish up reading there through vs. 35 and see what was done to this ‘wicked’ man who was unwilling to forgive someone else.

Final thought...for today. There is no need to print this lesson off, or make a list of just some of these ‘wicked actions’ to carry around so you can concentrate on avoiding them. I only say that because are truly ‘born of God’, filled with His Spirit...and ‘abiding in Jesus’ will know for certainty...what is pleasing to God...and what is not. Trust me on that one. (1 John 2:6; 3:6,9; 5:18).


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