I’m not sure if it has dawned on you, but the majority of what is written down in our Bibles, from Genesis to Revelation, is not a message to or for the ‘world’ at large; it is actually directed towards God’s people. Yes, we see extensive history recorded that enlightens us to the condition of the world at large, and how it ended up in the condition it did (not to mention how it was created to begin with). We read how this ‘whole world’ is under the influence of the ‘wicked one’ in 1 John 5:19 and how this ‘serpent of old, the devil...deceives the whole world’. (Rev. 12:9). And we even learn why God brought judgement on the whole world back in the days of Noah. (Gen. 6:5-8)
Another noteworthy morsel of thought regarding this Book is found in Matt. 13 where Jesus was teaching to the multitudes, using parables to illustrate the message of the kingdom. But it was only when He was alone with His disciples...that He explained ...(or ‘revealed’) what those stories even meant. He referred to them as the ‘mysteries of the kingdom’. (10-13). This is no small point, either. He only reveals the truth of His word...to those who have come to Him with all their hearts. (John 5:39-40). Why do you think so many people today find the Bible ‘confusing’ or ‘difficult to understand’...and even suggest it is full of ‘contradictions’? Paul said the ‘light of this gospel is hid to them who are perishing’, having their minds blinded by the god of this age’. (2 Cor. 4:3-4) In other words, they are in ...darkness.
I should also point out here that when you study the Old Testament...you see how God deals with ‘His people’ over and over and over, bringing judgement and chastisement on them for their ongoing sins and rebellion. It was not the ‘heathen nations’ that He was always dealing with, it was HIS...rebellious people. In fact, it was those ‘heathen nations’ that God often used as a ‘rod of His correction’ and would bring those enemies in to carry out His wrath and judgements (Hab. 1:12). Today, we have a different ‘enemy’. (1 Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:12)
In the New Testament, after you read through the four gospels and the Book of Acts, all the epistles and letters that follow are addressed NOT...to the ‘heathen world of sinners’, but to the ‘churches and saints’ that existed in various locations. What is unfortunate is how many people today who may attend church regularly...just assume that what they read or hear read from those NT scriptures...is directed at them, simply because they are there in the pews and listed on some ‘church membership’ roster. Case and point: Paul says in Gal. 3:26- “you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus”. But let’s not forget his follow up in Romans 8:14 clarifying as to who the ‘sons of God’ are...and what they do. They are led by the Spirit of God, and the fruit will be obvious.
I only bring this back up because as we are studying the passage of promise found in 2 Chron. 7:14...God promises healing to the land of His people if THEY...will turn from their wicked ways. It is easy for us to quote that verse and lob it at the ‘world of sinners’ even though that passage is not directed towards the ‘world’; it is directed towards any and all who claim to be God’s people. Do you see the difference here?
Jesus made it clear what His mission was...He came to ‘call the sinners to repentance’. (Luke 5:32) Where the ‘religious folks’ got confused (if not offended) was thinking He was directing this towards all those ‘sinner folks out there’, (Luke 18:9-14) and in fact, you can almost hear Jesus saying...”Hey...Pssst! It’s YOU....I’m talking to...My people...who ‘receive Me not!’. (John 1:11)
I must also point out that it’s not enough for us, ‘His people’, to simply acknowledge...their ‘wicked ways’, as 2 Chron. 7:14 goes on to say; we must ‘turn’ from them...if we truly expect our ‘land’... to be healed. And can I just tell you now...the ‘land’ in need of healing...is not some piece of real estate or particular country. It is our defiled hearts. (Mark 7:21-23; James 4:8) Are we even aware of what comes out of them at times? Meet me back here tomorrow?
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