Welcome back to Day 3 of a Bible study where we are examining scriptures that deal with an unpleasant topic that has affected all of us at some point in time: ‘sickness and disease’.

We finished up yesterday with an interesting promise God made to the several million folks whom He had just delivered from the bondage of Egypt, using Moses to lead them out and towards a better place He had reserved for them; a.k.a. ‘The Promise Land’. You can read Ex. 15:26 and please note the ‘condition’ that followed the word ‘if’.

Not long after that promise was made, God led them to Mt. Sinai where He gave them the Ten Commandments (the Law) to which He wanted them to live by. When the people were informed of this law and taught what was expected of them, they all affirmed that they would “do and be obedient to the words God had spoken to them.’ (Ex. 24:3-7)

If you would now, please look at Exodus, chapter 23 and take a moment as you read vs. 20-33. God is filling them in on some more details as to what He has planned for them, which includes sending an ‘Angel’ before them to bring them in to this place He has prepared. (20) He implores them to be obedient and then promises the people that while there are groups of people already on this land that need to come off, they need not to worry -God will be the one doing it...’little by little’. (23-24,27-30)

But let’s scroll back and make sure not to skip vs.25-26 where God tells them once again: “I will take sickness away from the midst of you. And no one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your and; I will fulfill the number of your days.”

If God is promising to ‘removed sickness’ from the people...can we agree that sickness is not a ‘good’ thing nor something God wanted His people to experience? And that seems to include infertility and having miscarriages.

So I have to ask: If God did not want His people to experience sickness and disease and even infertility back then...why would we conclude that somewhere along the way that God changed His mind and wants us to experience these things today? When did God change? (Mal. 3:6)

You might be tempted to remind me here that those promises applied to those “old covenants back then that God made with Abraham and Moses”; to which I would then respond with pointing out Heb. 8:6 which makes the case that today, we are under a “better covenant with better promises”.

“Better promises”...than even those we read that included God removing ‘All sickness and disease’? Is there anyone else here who wants to sit up, raise a hand and say “Tell me more please!”? How about we meet back here tomorrow, Lord willing, and continue on? ;-)


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