It’s ‘Go Time’. 

 In a matter of hours, after I complete one more sweep through my campuses to pick up that last batch of school picture orders, I’m heading west.

It was 35 years ago, this month, my family and I made a visit up here to Lamar County from San Antonio. We were confident that this was where we were to set down roots and raise our three daughters I will be honest with you…leaving here was never on my radar. But then…God….

The two pictures I posted here this morning are rather fitting I think; as the sun sets over our Eiffel Tower here in Paris, TX…symbolic of my departure, a new chapter…or a new day, will begin in California where we will be closer to family.

Believe it or not, I’m almost at a loss for words to convey what is in my heart this morning. I know this ‘farewell tour’ has been a rather prolonged one having made our plans public back in the early part of July when we put our home on the market. It has been overwhelming and humbling, to say the least, to be on the receiving end of so much love and so many kind words from so many of you here in the area over the past several months. And what an intense few months this has been for a host of reasons.

But it’s time to go. Ever since that first moment early one morning back in late January when I just sensed God’s leading to make this move, I have never had one moment of hesitation; nor have I ever been more assured or more confident, that I was right smack dab in the middle of God’s will. He has been with us every step of the way.

A good number of years ago, (nearly 44 of them) I came to the realization as a young 20 year old that there really was more to this ‘God’ than I had ever really known. He was, and is… quite real; and He is Good. He is so very Good.

I can still recall so vividly how ‘lost’ I was at that young age trying to find my place in this world. I simply had no idea how my ‘story’ was supposed to play out. I was so clueless. My mind was just a cluttered collection of ‘story ideas’ as to how I thought it might look. And then, I met the ‘Author’. The course of my life was forever altered when I handed over the pen to Him, asking Him to write my story.

Looking back over the years, something became quite evident that I think most of us can relate to. We have the power to take that pen back out of His hands. And my oh my how often we are prone to doing that, wanting to add to, or edit, or change up the story line. Can I just ask you now - When was the last time you had a better idea than God?

There are a good number of ‘chapters’ in my story that are not really pleasant to recall and remember. Those are usually the chapters where I took that pen out of His hand and tried writing my story. Other chapters, I love to revisit because those are the times I handed the pen back to Him and asked Him to ‘fix things’. He really does do quite a proficient job at that for sure.

One thing I have learned about God is that not only does He desire to write all of our stories, He likes happy endings. (Sort of like a good Hallmark movie, perhaps?). We just have to turn the pen over to Him…and then let Him keep it. I finally reached that point and it was life changing, once again.

I am grateful for are all the roles and ‘characters’ that God has allowed me to cross paths with these past 35 years here in NE Texas. No doubt, I will leave a big part of my heart here filled with so many good memories. I am also excited about the new chapters that await us out in California. And I have no plans or desire to wrestle that pen back from my ‘Author’, ever again. There is a psalm that has come to mean so much to me and it reads this way:

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (84:11)

We only have so many sunsets and sunrises in this life we have been gifted with. We would do well to make them count. The Lord desires to help us do that. But you really do…have to ‘surrender all’. That line about ‘walking uprightly’…it really is ‘a thing’ to Him too. It matters. And if I have learned nothing else in recent years…you nor I or anyone for that matter, are capable of doing this- walking uprightly – in our own power and strength. Good intentions and a ’disciplined’ lifestyle might be good for some chapters, but in the long run, you will fall so far short.

It is only by His grace…that any of us can do such a thing…walk uprightly; or as John wrote: ‘walk just like Jesus’. (1 John 2:6). He has it down well. You really should consider turning that pen over to Him and accepting His invitation to lead and guide you (John 10:27). He has a good ending waiting for you as well. In fact, it can be better than anything you may have scripted and pasted on the storyboard of your mind as well. (Haggai 2:1-9)

It would be my prayer and hope that if I leave any parting words or memories with you all, it would be simply- that I left pointing you to Him, the ‘author and the finisher of our faith’. (Heb. 12:2)

Many have asked me of my future plans…will I continue my photography; will I keep blogging and posting here. I simply do not know at this point in time.  We shall see; The One who is directing my steps these days has not let me ‘read ahead’. And I am quite fine with that. I can trust Him. 

 So can you. 

 Be Blessed…


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