10.24.21- Every story of redemption has a genesis, a beginning. As does your story. Perhaps it has yet to take place, let alone, be told. All our stories are different yet they share one remarkable trait: They are defining. How can they not be when God is the author? 

Not long ago I pictured this scenario in my head of a group of notable figures I had read about in the bible sitting around a table. They were sharing their defining stories as to how their lives were forever changed by an encounter with Jesus, the Messiah. I could hear Paul talking of his journey  to Damascus. Fresh off the heels of overseeing the stoning of Stephen the martyr, he was knocked to the ground and the voice of God spoke to him from a light shining from heaven. (Acts 9) It is a remarkable story of conversion. 

Then I could hear, sitting next to Paul, this other man who had been blind from birth begin to share his incredible encounter that began with someone (Jesus) opening his eyes and seeing for the first time. (John 9) The local religious crowd of that day was not impressed and actually booted him out of their congregation. They just did not seem fond with his lack of ability to explain himself or how/what had happened to him. Sometimes there really are no words to adequately explain seeing for the first time. Sitting across from him, Peter spoke up. Always the one to make an impression, and maybe even ‘one up’ his brothers or friends, especially when telling a tale, he talked of that weary morning after fishing all night and coming up empty handed. He was a pro at fishing. But oftentimes, even our own strengths just are not good enough and leave us lacking. Yet, he heard that voice: “Peter, cast your net out, again.” And what a life changing cast it was. (Luke 5) 

At the other end of the table, there was the clearing of a voice, the shuffling of a chair being pushed back and a drink being set down on the table as a man stood up with a grin on his face…and he said: “My name is Lazarus!” Yeah….I can identify with all of these stories, but Lazarus’s strikes a chord with me. You can read about his in John 11. 

My story actually begins over 40 years ago while working as a young 19 year old in an aluminum extrusion plant in Phoenix, AZ. It really is an incredible story that I never shy away from sharing. I would love the opportunity to share it with you sometime. But it’s the Part II, or the sequel, that has transformed my life like never before. Like Lazarus, I knew Jesus previously. But then I ‘died’. And found my self buried, in darkness, like a tomb. And it did not smell good. You do realize, don’t you, that you can put on a good face for others. It’s what is expected of us. But you know inside, deep within if you are honest, when it’s just not working for you. So you just keep trudging along doing your best, sensing and even knowing there has to be more, yet you just can’t seem to find that ‘door’. 

Then the ‘Door’ found me. 

Ironically, it occurred exactly 40 years later to the month after the first time He found me. I was back in my office busy with work. It was the week before our country began to ‘unravel’ with this virus that changed the way we live. I opened a drawer and heard Him speak…just two words. “It’s Time!” And I knew exactly what that meant. 

Now, 20 months later, after an awakening and renewal that I refer to as my ‘burning bush moment’, my heart is full, my vision is restored, and it’s as if the stone was rolled away and I heard the same call that Lazarus heard. Jesus called me out of my tomb in the first week of March of 2020. I was barely 60 years old. So if you have wondered of late the change in tone of my postings on Facebook, it is an outflow of all that God has been doing in me. I feel like I’ve been though a Holy Spirit car wash in the Word and I just can’t keep it to myself any more. 

I’m not looking for a pulpit, nor am I entertaining ideas to start or pastor a church again (yes, I pastored years ago). I am Not looking for a following. But I have felt compelled these past few months to just start sharing ‘nuggets’ of truth from the Word with …anyone who cares to read. I get up in the mornings and it just flows out of me. It is so God inspired.

A few weeks back, over the course of 2-3 days, I had several individuals from all over reach out to me suggesting I ‘catalog’ my postings and even consider publishing them in book format if not a blog. Apparently they have been resonating with people who read them. I continue to hear from many of you, even outside of FB, letting me know you have been reading and are blessed by the posts. I am thankful, blessed, and humbled to know this. And while I have no plans to ‘write a book’, I did feel compelled to organize them and put in a blog format so they can be shared with others who may not even be on Facebook and have easier access to them. 

So this morning, I want to share and ‘launch’ my blog site (where you are reading this here now) where I have compiled posts from the past two months and will continue to do so along with my post on FB. I still have some tweaking to do but pray that you find them resourceful and beneficial to your own spiritual growth. I can’t tell you how much longer I will be doing these. God only knows. But this I do know…we are living in a time of spiritual darkness like no other time I have ever known personally. 

 And just like in the parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25, they all fell asleep prior to the return of the ‘bridegroom’, Jesus. It was at midnight when the warning cry was given and they awoke and began to scramble, the wise virgins having enough oil to trim their lamps. When the foolish ones went looking for their own oil, the bridegroom came and ‘those who were ready went in to the wedding and the door was shut.” (Matt 25:10) I know what God has birthed in my heart and it does involve reaching out, encouraging and helping other ‘sheep who have gone astray’ and have become ‘food for the beast of the fields’. 

And it is with a measured sense of urgency that I share these messages. All I would ask of you who read them…don’t glance over these passages for a simple ‘feel good morsel’ in the morning. But do as they did in Acts 17:11 – “search these scriptures daily to find out whether these things are so”. I want to obey the Word that says to ‘exhort one another DAILY, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.’ (Heb 3:13)


  1. Wow, I am looking forward to reading all the other posts. It's clear to see that God has moved into your life and is using you to spread His Word in ways that are relatable and His Truth will not return void. Thank you for surrendering to God and being a vessel of honor to pour Him out to a dying world.


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