There are many....who still... do not...’get it’; which is why I remain on a topic I don’t feel released yet from addressing. I’m fine with that as well, given I’m not writing and posting here daily looking for a ‘following’, nor do I seek to please people and tell them what they want to hear. I am also reminded often that it is not my job or responsibility to get anyone to ‘see’ anything that I share here. That is ‘His’ job (Luke 24:45; Acts 16:14); mine is to continue to speak truth in love and to offer up scriptural evidence to support what I am sharing. And so I continue on...for whoever might ‘have ears to hear’.

“As it was in the days of also will the coming of the Son of Man be...”. (Matt. 24:37). Those were the words of Jesus when He explained to His followers way back when, what things would be like when He returns. Peter would later add that there would be no shortage of ‘scoffers’ during this time as well. (2 Pet. 3:3-4; 1 Pet. 3:20)

I find it interesting that they both allude to a historical incident recorded in the Bible that even many professing believers today grapple with in believing that the event literally took place. I’m talking about the story of Noah, the ark he built and the flood that came and destroyed all who were not ‘in the ark’.

Honestly, I think what can be more challenging to come to terms with regarding this story, is not the unimaginable task of constructing a boat of this size to house so many animals that would eventually withstand a destructive flood that was coming. It’s the fact that a ‘loving God’ would be instrumental in ‘sending’ or ‘allowing’ such destruction to come on the earth in the first place where so many people would be ‘destroyed’. (Luke 17:27). And I’m not talking just about all those ‘wicked sinner folks who deserved judgement’ either. (Gen. 6:5-8). There were untold numbers of young children and babies who were swept away in the destructive floods that came. It’s not a pleasant reality to focus on, but you need to come to terms with whether you believe this or not. Because it happened. And Jesus said it will happen again; and truth be’s already happening. (Rom. 1:18; Matt. 3:10)

Here is what many sincere people today struggle with when it comes to ‘connecting dots’ when they read about the ‘God of the Old Testament’ : He hasn’t changed. (Mal. 3:6). That same God we can study about and learn of His ways the same God whom the NT teaches sent His Son Jesus into our world that through Him, we might be ‘saved’. (John 3:17). And He did this because He loved ‘the whole world’. (John 3:16). In fact, Peter would once again remind us how patient God is with us, “not willing that ANY perish, but that all would come to repentance”. (2 Pet. 3:9)

It was never God’s desire for anyone to be ‘lost’ or destroyed’, rather He desires for ‘all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth’. (1 Tim. 2:4). And if you have been reading here for any length of time, you should know by now what it is we are being ‘saved’ from – it is the ‘wrath of God’. (Rom. 5:9). Yes, God’s wrath is still here and will continue to increase. (John 3:36)...just as it did in the days of Noah. 

But here’s the problem we face today: many people don’t understand this concept of God’s wrath and how it works, and why...for pretty much one reason and one reason alone - People have been uninformed and flat out deceived. Jesus told us this would happen, and so did Paul, citing another story found in the OT that many professing believers probably struggle with thinking happened, even more so than the story of Noah. Join me tomorrow?


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