If you did not read yesterday’s post, I’d highly encourage you to do so before proceeding on here today. We are continuing on with our short study from the first two chapters of Job.

We established the fact that Satan can do nothing without God’s permission; so if you think he and his minions are running rogue to and fro throughout the earth able to just come and go and attack ‘believers’ at their own discretion while God is not around to intervene... then you might need to sit up and take note of what we are studying here.

Satan was unable to even touch Job, until God removed His ‘hedge’ of protection that was around him. (Job 1:10). God is known to protect those who walk in covenant with Him, in both the OT and NT. He is also on record as to removing that hedge when He wants to bring judgment and/or 'correction' on His people as well. (Isa. 5; 1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Tim. 1:20)

So let’s wade into a specific subject that will undoubtedly cause some discomfort. I pointed out a few days ago how during the first Passover, as recorded in Exodus 12, that God was going to ‘strike the Egyptians, but where He saw the blood of the lamb on the door posts...God would ‘not allow the destroyer to come into the houses to strike”. (23)

Now, let’s turn to Deut. 28:35. As most of the curses that God warned His people they could expect to experience if they did not follow His leading, we read where “the Lord will strike you in the knees and on the legs with severe boils which cannot be healed, and from the sole of your foot to the top of your head.” Please note that God says ‘He’ will be the one striking them with this affliction. While you are there, please take a look at vs. 58-61.

Now, back to Job, chapter 2 where Round II is underway. God has once again moved the boundary (hedge) in allowing Satan to attack Job’s body. Again, Job did nothing to bring this on himself. (Job 2:3-7) So what does Satan attack Job with, there in vs. 7?

Would it be out of the way to suggest that God uses Satan, and the powers of darkness, to carry out the curses that come from disobedience? Go read Deut. 28:35 again, and then Job 2:7.

Now, before you get upset with me for even hinting at such a thing, please go to John 5 where we read where Jesus healed a man who had been infirm for 38 years. After he was healed by Jesus, what did Jesus tell him in vs. 14? Now, one more passage, in 1 Cor. 11:29-32) What does Paul explain to believers there at Corinth... has happened to them for not taking some things seriously in the eyes of God? In other words, what consequences did they experience? (30)

When did God change? (Mal. 3:6) Perhaps we need to be reminded of Paul’s admonition to ‘behold both the goodness and...the severity of God’. (Rom. 11:22). I bet you may think I’ve been a bit ‘heavy on the severity’ part of late? So consider this: If all these verses I’m laying out for you to study for yourself actually mean what they say...then just maybe other verses and promises we find in there actually mean what they say as well, like James 5:13-16. Please underline vs. 15 while you are there. How often do we see that happening these days? And get this- God doesn’t even ‘need doctors’ to heal the sick; and that is not a slam against doctors at all.


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