When you begin to connect some more dots, as I often say, as in making note of more scriptures found in our beloved Bibles, you begin to see a different picture emerge than the one we are accustomed to hearing taught. Especially when it comes to warnings of God’s wrath and judgments. Oddly enough, many have been led to believe that is ‘so Old Testament’ and does not apply to us folks today. But friends, nothing could be further from the truth.

Could you take a second and look up the following passages in your Bible and read them over. You might even take some time later today and actually write them out for further meditation. They are Luke 13:3,5; Acts 3:22-23; John 5:14; Eph. 5:5-6; Rom. 8:13 and 1 Cor. 11:30-32. You’ll notice words like “perish” and “utterly destroyed” and “something worse” and even “wrath of God” being used to give clear warnings to those who continue to sin and/or disobey God. Paul repeatedly makes the case that if we continue to live for the flesh nature, we will “die” and ‘have no inheritance in the kingdom of God’. (Gal. 5:21). He also explained to those at Corinth why ‘many’ in their company were ‘weak, sick, and dead’, using words like ‘judged’ and ‘chastened by the Lord’. This might better explain the tone in 2 Cor. 7:1.

It would seem to me that such talk was not just relegated to the OT; what say you? In fact, this kind of talk sounds very similar to the theme we hear stressed over and over to God’s people back in the book of Deuteronomy when Moses was preparing them to go cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land God had for them. I would like to challenge you to take some time out soon and read through chapters 4-13 of that book and make note how often God warned them what they could expect if they did not fully obey His commands. Reviewing such chapters helps us to better understand the heart of our Father in heaven who truly loves us. As I tend to ask here frequently, when did God change? (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8) And what are we told to consider in Romans 11:22?

If this kind of talk does not line up with the image you have of Jesus, is it possible you were introduced to...’another Jesus’? (2 Cor. 11:3-4). Because the Jesus I read about in my NT had some pretty harsh and sobering warnings that He gave, like the one there in Luke 13:3,5. What comes to your mind when you hear Him say we will ‘perish’ if we fail to repent? Or what happens if we are not careful to keep those ‘doors closed’ (Eph. 4:27) to unclean spirits that He removes from us? He gave an insightful story in Matt. 12:43-45. Or how about the parable in Matt. 18 teaching us the need to forgive others from our hearts after we have been forgiven- Who did Jesus say His Father would ‘turn us over to’ there in vs. 34-35? What do you suppose happens when we are turned over to ‘tormentors’? What would that even look like or how does that play out in your head? What do ‘tormentors’ do?

Let me give you a ‘heads up’ here as we continue to wade in to a topic many will find unsettling. As I say often here - I’m not asking you to believe all this because I am sharing it. I merely ask you to take some time and study these passages out...prayerfully, for yourself. (Acts 17:11). And please know: I realize much of this will not ‘fit’ with how you have previously been taught or believed. But just maybe... it’s time to lay some of our pre-conceived ideas and doctrines at His feet and allow the Holy Spirit to ‘open the eyes of our understanding’ to His truths.


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