God did not send Jesus into this world to condemn the world. On the contrary, God sent Jesus into this world to save...any all who would call upon His name, believe in Him and repent, (or turn)...and surrender to His lordship. What part of this do we find so hard to understand? (John 3:17; Rom. 10:13; Luke 13,3,5; 6:46; Matt. 7:21)

And the same God who wanted us to hear what John wrote: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers,” (3 John 2) is the same God who deeply yearned that His people...”had such a heart in them that they would fear Him and always keep all His commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever.” (Deut. 5:29)

Friends, let us never forget what it is that Jesus came to ‘save’ us from: it was the wrath of God, and His judgements that were on the earth that we are ‘saved’ from. (Rom. 5:9) And why was all this wrath and judgment and death and condemnation on the earth? It was because of ‘sin’...the transgressing, or breaking of God’s law, which was set in place by God and never removed or rescinded. (Gal. 3:17,19; Matt. 5:17; 1 John 3:4)

Has the ‘light come on’ yet for you...in seeing who or what the ‘wrath’ of God is? It is Satan, or the ‘devil’ who deceives the whole world. (Rev. 12:9; 1 John 5:19;) He (and his minions 2 Cor. 11:14-15) are the ‘instruments of God’s indignation we read so much about in the OT. (Isa. 13:5-6; Jer. 50:25; Ps. 78:49-50). And what are we warned in Eph. 4:27 and 1 Pet. 5:8?

This would be the same ‘powers of darkness’ who ‘come to steal, kill, and destroy’, (John 10:10) and the very one who had taken so many people captive and oppressed them before Jesus came to set them free. (Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; 26:18; 2 Tim. 2:25).

And exactly how...does Jesus ‘save us from the wrath of God’? Are you ready for another ‘light’ to come on...and have some more ‘dots connected’? Get ready, because this is so good and life changing and yet many, if not most people, especially professing believers will recoil and reject this message: Jesus came to set you free from the power of sin by giving you a new nature via a new birth so that you could actually go and ‘sin no more’. And we are told in 1 John 5:18 that “we know...that whoever is born of God does not sin ....and the wicked one does not touch him.”

It was Jesus Himself who said ‘most assuredly...whoever commits sin is a slave to sin and a slave does not abide in the house forever...” (John 8:34)

If you are still continuing to sin, then you remain a ‘slave’ and not a ‘son’ ...who does abide forever. (1 John 2:17). And if this is your first time to drop in and read here, you might be thinking...”What the...?!?”...and you have some catching up to do. But allow me to leave this ‘nugget’ here, once again in closing. The way one’s ‘soul’ prospers is to ‘obey the truth that it might be purified’. (1 Pet. 1:22; Heb. 5:9) And what is it we need to be ‘purified’ or cleansed from? All the wicked deeds of the flesh nature that is in rebellion to God. (Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 8:7-8). And the very reason Jesus begins to lead us to put these things to death (and not just on a leash or in a cage) is because if we continue to live according to this flesh, we will continue to face condemnation and death (and wrath). (Rom. 8:1,13; Gal. 5:21). And those who do belong to Christ...’have put to death’ this earthly nature’. (Gal. 5:24)

Why is this so important and how does it play in to ‘saving us from God’s wrath (Satan)’? What curse was put on that serpent back in Genesis 3:14? That he would ‘eat dust all the days of his life’. Friends...what is man’s ‘flesh’...made of? (Gen. 3:19)


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