Let’s pretend for a moment if we could...that the bible really is the authentic ‘Word of God’ and every word written down there is fully genuine and able to be trusted as ‘truth’. I know...a lot of you just thought to yourself that you don’t have to ‘pretend’ because you already do believe that. Truth be told, I’ve been in more than one church service before where all the people are led into holding up their beloved books and reciting together an audible affirmation that they do indeed believe that very thing...declaring in unison that it is indeed the ‘infallible Word of God from God to us’. I don’t want to take any liberty here to in an attempt to ‘humanize God’ or to personify him in silly ways....but I would imagine if there were ever a time where God was inclined to ‘spew coffee all over his screen’...it would be when He hears those collective chants of affirmation and declaration. Did Jesus not turn to one group and ask: “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not...