So what exactly is ‘sin’?
 I mean really...can you define it in simple terms so that anyone can understand it and then relay it to others so that they too would comprehend what sin is? 

We hear professing believers openly admit how they ‘sin daily’. If you are one of those people who do admit to continue being a ‘saint who sins’, can I ask just what that means to you and what exactly are you doing that constitutes being ‘sin’? 

In yesterday’s post, I gave two examples of what many presume to be sin, and since they are subject to those two examples regularly, they just automatically assumed they were sinning. Yet, as I pointed out, Jesus would have been subject to those same two areas as well, yet He was without sin. You might want to read that post if you missed it. 

I’m sure many have been groomed to embrace the definition that sin is ‘missing the mark’. We are then told that is akin to an archer pulling that arrow back on his bow and hitting the target but not hitting the bullseye and how nobody can hit the bullseye every single time and blah blah blah. Then to add insult to injury, we just assume we remain being sinners because every single day we ‘miss the mark’...whatever that means. 

How about we just look to the bible and see if it defines sin. And we need not look far because we are told exactly what sin is: Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). breaking the commandments of God. That is what sin is...sin is breaking God’s law. 

Those people I often refer to from Matt. you know why Jesus tells them to depart from Him saying He never knew them? He accused them of continuing to ‘practice lawlessness’. Sin is lawlessness. They continued to break God’s law...despite the fact, according to their claims...they were doing all these wonderful things in His name. 

They. Continued. To. Sin. They continued to break God’s law. 

Now you might be puzzled here saying to yourself you thought we were not ‘under the law, but under grace’. I mean, after all...does it not say that in Romans 6:14 that ‘sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace’? (Yes, that is what it says there.) But you might also want to line that up next to Galatians 5:18 for balance. Who are the ones not under the law according to that?

I am going to relay an illustration I have used here in the past that bears worth repeating. Take your time with it if you would please: 

Imagine waiting in line to appear before a judge in traffic court to settle a parking ticket dispute. The guy in front of you tells you about his stack of tickets he accumulated in one stop…speeding, no insurance, no DL, tags on car out, forgot to buckle up, etc. 

You are thinking he is about to receive a hefty fine as you enter the courtroom and wait your turn before the judge. As the guy ahead of you with his stack of citations goes first, you hear the judge read aloud all his violations and then looks up and asks the defendant what he has to say for himself. 

The guy’s response is matter of fact: He looks up at the judge and says: “I'm sorry, Your honor, but I’m not under the law, I’m under grace.” 

Then you notice the judge looks back at him and smiles with a wink and you hear the judge whisper ‘Try to do better next time, son. Charges dismissed. Next!” 

“Thanks, Dad!” 

As he turns to exit, he sees you and your look of shock …shrugs his shoulders and says flippantly…”Hey…I’m not perfect, just forgiven.” Then he exits the court whistling ‘Amazing Grace’. 

Sadly…that pretty well describes the ‘theology of grace’ that many, many people attending churches today have. Is it no wonder that many unbelievers look at their ‘well churched neighbors’ and just can’t understand that type of thinking…especially when they don’t see them as being much different than themselves.

I hate to be the one to burst your bubble here today...but while that illustration typifies the view many professing believers have today regarding grace and the law, it is a false premise that has lured many a sincere church member down a deceptive path that leads to destruction. (Matt. 7:13) 

So let me say it again. Sin is breaking God’s laws. And those who abide in Christ don’t do that. In fact, because they’ve been born again, it should not even be in their nature to sin given God’s seed is in them and they have a ‘divine nature’. (1 John 3:6,9; 2 Pet. 1:3; Rom. 8:29) Do we not read that IF...anyone is ‘In Christ’...they are a ‘new creation’? (2 Cor. 5:17) 

Does John not write “this is how we know that we are In Him and know Him...IF...we keep His commandments and walk just as He walked”? (1 John 2:3-6) 

Some might be thinking about now...’I thought the law was done away with when Jesus came’. 

That would be a false assumption as well since Jesus clearly stated that He did not come to ‘do away with or abolish the law...rather to fulfill it’. (Matt. 5:17). 

And here’s some ‘breaking news’ for many of you...Jesus came to lead us to fulfill the law just as He did. (Rom. 8:4) But that does not happen because you claim or profess to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and you attend church regularly and even work in the nursery once a month. And while many have often bribed a policeman or judge with cash to avoid a ticket, tithing and giving to missions does not ‘let you off the hook’ with God either. 

Who are the ones that end up meeting all the ‘righteous requirements of the law’? Those who walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh nature. And guess what...those who are ‘led by the Spirit are not under the law’ according to Gal. 5:18. In other words, those who are following Jesus are not subject to the wrath and curse and condemnation that the law brings. (Rom.4:15; Gal.2:10; 2 Cor. 3:7,9)...because they are keeping the law as they follow Jesus. 

Ever wonder why Paul cautions us to not be deceived with ‘empty words’ there in Eph. 5:6? First of all, he knew we could be deceived. Brethren...can be deceived. (James 1:16; 2 Cor. 11:2-4; Matt. 24:24). But he does remind us that God’s ‘wrath comes upon the sons of disobedience’. But children of God are ‘obedient children’ and follow His leading. (1 Pet. 1:14; John 10:27; Heb. 5:9; Luke 6:46) 

This might be a good time to tie this up in a nice bow of simplification for you go give further thought and prayerful study to... 

This walking with Jesus...and abiding in Not about going out trying your best to keep a bunch of laws and commandments to avoid sinning. That pretty well sums up what the majority of us have been raised to believe and tried to do. And you don’t need me to tell you how that has worked out for us. 

Keeping God’s law is nicely summed up by Jesus there in Matt. 22:34-39 – loving God with ALL your heart and loving others as Christ loved us says it all. And IF...we love God, we will do what He says. (John 14:15; 13:34-35; Luke 6:46) 

Here’s the problem. We can’t possibly come close to fulfilling His law given the defective, sinful nature we have- that ‘old man’ with a defiled heart and selfish nature. (Mark 7:21-23; Jer. 17:9; Gal. 5:19-22). 

You just can’t do it no matter how hard you try and no matter how hard you try to cover it up with ‘good works’. 1 Cor. 13:1-8 makes that pretty clear. If you and I don’t manifest the God kind of love described there, all that ‘other stuff’ we esteem so highly profits us nothing. That was the message Jesus was conveying there in Matt. 7:21-23 as well. 

The great lie that has been passed down for generations in so many of our churches is this idea that we could never come close to fulfilling God’s law so if we just ‘profess to believe in Jesus’ the one who did indeed fulfill the law...then all will be well with our soul. And nothing could be further from the truth. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 7:21). What is the will of God? Same thing it has always been...Keep His Commandments. 

And the only way any of us will ever be able to do that is to surrender our hearts and lives to Jesus so that He can lead us to put to death all those sinful, fleshly, selfish attributes of our old nature that rebels against his law.  (Go underline Romans 8:7-8 right now.)  That is what it means to take up a cross and lay down your life. When we do this...we ‘decrease’ and He begins to ‘increase’. And our flesh nature will resist this and look for an alternate route...which many will be offered up in the form of false doctrines and other gospels. That is why there will be a great ‘falling away’ in these days (and has already happened). (2 Tim. 3:1-5; 2 Cor. 11:2-4) 

Make no mistake about it though...”for it is not the hearers of the law who are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law who will be justified’. (Rom. 2:13) “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.” (Rev. 22:14). Jesus came to lead us to fulfill the law.   Are you following Him?


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