Do you realize how far the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has veered off, been hijacked, diluted, and rendered powerless? 

 This ‘falling away’ (2 Thess. 2:3) has become so dramatic - that for anyone to come along and even suggest...that a born-again believer, who has been made a new creation, conformed to the image of Christ, filled and empowered with the One who raised Christ from the dead... could actually be free from the bondage of sin and walk like Jesus walked ...and go and sin no considered to be heresy, false doctrine, and simply impossible. 

 And yet, scripture teaches just that very thing...and that the truth will set us free. (John 8:34,36; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:29; 1 John 2:6; John 5:14; Matt. 5:48; Rom. 8:9-11) 

 Paul gives a chilling warning that in the last days with the increase of all kinds of ‘unrighteous deception that will be prevalent among those who perish’...that the reason they perish is because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess. 2:9-12; Luke 13:3-5) 

 I’ve said it before and will say it again. The ‘church’ at large has become the ‘mother of all enablers’. We spend more time excusing...justifying...making excuses for and coddling our sinful practices...than we do overcoming them. What...does that say about the workmanship of Christ and His Holy Spirit who came to transform us? Are we walking like a ‘new creation made in heaven’...or just some cheap, shallow knock-off-job made in ___________? (fill in with foreign country of your choice) 

 No one is questioning the fact that we have ‘all sinned and fallen short’. 

 No one should be claiming that ‘we have no sin’. 

 And you would be foolish to boast that you will ‘never sin again’. 

 There really are just two simple questions that each of us needs to address and answer. 

 1- Do you believe that a person can be set free completely from the power of sin...on this side of heaven? (1 John 3:6,9) 

 2- Do you want to be made well? If you answered ‘No’ to either of those two questions...then carry on as you were. 

 Ten of the twelve spies who went in to check out the land God had promised them did not believe what God said back then, either. And it did not end well for them. (Numbers 13-14)

 Nothing wrong with asking though, the same question both Mary and Nicodemus asked when told what God’s intent and plan was that was seemingly ‘impossible’. “How can these things be?” (Luke 1:34; John 3:9) 

 I will simply point you to what that angel told Mary: “For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)

Jesus said the same thing when asked by His disciples..."Who then can be saved?" (Matt. 19:25-26)


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