Let’s pretend for a moment if we could...that the bible really is the authentic ‘Word of God’ and every word written down there is fully genuine and able to be trusted as ‘truth’. 

 I know...a lot of you just thought to yourself that you don’t have to ‘pretend’ because you already do believe that. Truth be told, I’ve been in more than one church service before where all the people are led into holding up their beloved books and reciting together an audible affirmation that they do indeed believe that very thing...declaring in unison that it is indeed the ‘infallible Word of God from God to us’. I don’t want to take any liberty here to in an attempt to ‘humanize God’ or to personify him in silly ways....but I would imagine if there were ever a time where God was inclined to ‘spew coffee all over his screen’...it would be when He hears those collective chants of affirmation and declaration. Did Jesus not turn to one group and ask: “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the things I say?” (Luke 6:46). I mean, he quoted Isaiah pointing out our inclination to ‘honor Him with our lips while our hearts were far from Him’. (Matt. 15:8) 

 Now...about my post yesterday...let’s circle back and hit on some key points. I laid some groundwork showing how we as humans not only live in a world that very much has a ‘spiritual’ component to it, but we as humans were originally created to be triune in nature, as in spirit, soul, and body. Prior to turning to God through repentance and coming by faith to His Son Jesus, (the ONLY way to God I might add - John 14:6) we were ‘dead’ spiritually. (Eph. 2:1) 

 We had physical bodies that we ‘live in’ and possessed corrupt or defective souls where our minds were blinded from truth (2 Cor. 4:3) and we just lived according to our sinful flesh nature, passions, desires, and instincts. (Eph. 2:2-3; 1 Pet. 4:2). Our sin separated us from God and apart from Him, we had no life. (Luke 15:24; John 5:40). Not the kind of life, anyway, that was always God’s intent for us to have. (John 10:10). So like many generations prior to us...we all just sort of did what was right in our own eyes. (Judges 17:6). That is what we tend to do when Jesus is not King or Lord over our lives. 

 But our ‘spirit man’ was dead because of sin...passed down through Adam. (Rom. 5:12). Which means that while the world likes to sing ‘2 out of 3 Ain’t Bad’, that is still only 66% of you is functioning and that was never a ‘passing grade’ when I was in school or even while I taught school. 

 So if and when we attempt to plow through this life and exist in this world without ever giving true acknowledgment as to what is behind so much of what happens, we are left scratching our heads, shrugging our shoulders while we sigh and mutter phrases ‘there’s a reason for everything’. And it is most likely that ignorance that plays in to why God’s people are ‘destroyed for a lack of knowledge’. (Hosea 4:6). The whole world, is perishing...according to that book we claim to be true...and unless we all repent...we will ALL perish. (Luke 13:1-5) 

 That’s an interesting passage there if you are not familiar with it (Luke 13). Jesus was talking about some ‘bad things that had happened to people in two separate scenarios where their lives ended in a tragic manner. Bad things happen in this world, we always remind ourselves. I chose to ‘soften’ the word I used in that familiar phrase we hear to summarize many of those bad things...you know...’Meconium Happens’. (Some may have to look up the meaning).But resigning yourself to just conclude that random bad things happening is just a fact of life without ever trying to understand why many of those things happen is such a fatalistic viewpoint to live by. 

 Looking again at John 10:10 where Jesus made it known the kind of life that awaited those who truly came to Him, he preceded to reveal where all the death and destruction came from or through...it was the ‘thief’. And we should all know who He is referring to there, do we not? It is the very one that John told us exercises control and influence over this world writing these words: “We KNOW....that thew whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19). Now stick with me here...for those who did agree to ‘pretend’ this word is true. 

 So just what if...you who are skeptical of this...were actually wrong. You might be comfortable talking about physical ailments and mental and emotional illness and the need for treatments for the body and mind...but if you fail to acknowledge a third influence here working, do you see where you might be up against a brick wall? And how can you be so certain there is not ‘spiritual’ component at work here. How do you know for certain that talk of demons and devils and unclean spirits is nothing more than just fictional or poetic language used over the centuries to manipulate the masses? Of course you have your own personal right to reject such talk and believe what you want. But what if you are wrong? 

 Do you remember in yesterday’s post how I mentioned God putting the man He created in a special place made just for him/them...the ‘garden of Eden’. I also pointed out that God has this thing about setting hedges or protective barriers around His creation and things He is actively involved with; be it vineyards or sheep or our lives. (Matt.21:33; Isa. 5:1-6; John 10:1-3;; Job 1-2). So when Adam and Eve were banned from the garden, God set an angel there with a flaming sword so that no one could enter back in for reasons we would come to learn later. Adam and Eve, because of their disobedience...found out that God means what He says and they were separated from God. 

 So why would God have needed a protective hedge or barrier around this Garden on this beautiful planet that He created for us to inhabit? Protect us from what? Well, I would submit to you that there was already a presence of evil and darkness in this world that was the result of the uprising in heaven that Rev. 12:7-12 speaks to. We are told where Satan and a third of the angels were cast down from heaven and ended up...here in this world. (You skeptics still hanging with me on the ‘pretending’?) 

 I’m pretty sure many of you would be absolutely stunned to see how much scripture addresses and speaks to this very subject. What is also note-worthy is to know that God had no problem continuing on with His plan to create man...and fellowship with man...to see man be ‘fruitful and multiply’...for man to have fellowship with God and enjoy the blessings of His presence. He was not worried at all about this evil influence that existed in the world. He just built a protective barrier around the garden and told Adam and Eve they had nothing to worry about so long they only avoided eating off that one tree. (Gen. 2:17) 

You might be asking...how do I know those evil influences were already here? Well, Rev. 12 tells us how they got here and when we begin chapter 3 of Genesis, who shows up in the form of a ‘serpent’ casting doubt on God’s word? 

 According to that book we treasure and love, we are told in it that Satan has been around for some time. We learn from the book of Job that he has this tendency to ‘roam about the earth’. (1:7). And what did Peter advise us as to why we believers, centuries later, should remain vigilant and sober-minded and alert? Because we have an ‘enemy’ who goes about like a roaring lion seeking to devour’. (1 Pet. 5:8). And do you think Paul had a particular reason for warning us to ‘give no place to the devil’ in Eph. 4:27? Later, explaining how our struggles are not related to ‘flesh and blood’ but spiritual darkness and evil forces. (Eph. 6:12). Now, as I stated yesterday, it is unhealthy to be consumed with this revelation of spiritual darkness and evil that is very prevalent on the earth today. But to ignore this would be to your own peril. We are not told to ‘ignore’ the devil, on the contrary we are commanded to ‘resist him’. (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9) 

 I love to bring to our attention that passage in Acts 10:38 that sums up nicely the ministry God had anointed Jesus to do while He was here: “having anointed Him with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him.” 

 When did the devil stop oppressing people? 

 When did Jesus stop healing or delivering or setting free...these people? 

 And just why...or how...does this ‘devil’ have access to come in and work all this oppression and destruction in people’s lives? And here’s a news flash for many of us: The stained glass doesn’t keep them out of our churches either’, as a gentleman I heard once say. :- ) 

 Also, this ministry God anointed Jesus with...was then passed on to the church to continue doing. (John 20:21).

 When Paul lets us in on the conversation he had with Jesus who was sending him to the Gentiles with this gospel, do you see the goal laid out plainly there in Acts 26:18? What was our condition prior to coming to Jesus according to that revelation there? 

 Oh, remember how Jesus explains what happens when an ‘unclean spirit’ goes out of a man...what does it eventually circle back to do according to Matt. 12:43-45? Now look at the word of warning by Jesus there in Matt. 24:43-44. 

 I kid you not...when we doze off or fall asleep spiritually, the enemy takes full advantage of us. (Matt. 13:25). There is a reason God is trying to sound the warning to ‘wake us up’. A spiritual flood is coming and is here already which is how this enemy comes in like. But those who are ignorant or skeptical or preoccupied with the cares of this life and world...will never, ever see it coming...just like they did not in the days of Noah. (Matt. 24:38-39). But to those who are waking up and sensing the alarm and sober message the Spirit is speaking into their hearts, they are like those wise virgins who are making themselves ready. (Matt. 25:10). They are getting into the ’ark of His presence’ as in abiding in Him. And those who truly abide in Him begin to experience a supernatural life of grace that does not excuse or cover up their sins, but empowers them to overcome them and sin no more. (Tit. 1:11; 1 John 3:6) 

 And guess what else John gave us: “WE know that whoever is born of God does not sin...and the wicked one does not touch him.” (1 John 5:18) 

 Sure...’Meconium Happens’. But there is a reason- so we might want to come back and re-examine some scripture to find out why.  And you might start with John 5:14.  See you tomorrow?


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