
Showing posts from March, 2023
  “When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd”. (Matt. 9:36)   We read there in the preceding verse that He, Jesus, “went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” (35).  When did God change? He hasn’t. (Mal. 3:6). He is...the ‘same yesterday, today, and forever.’ (Heb. 13:8)   I think it is a fair question to ask...How do God’s sheep...end up in such a pitiful condition where they are afflicted with sickness and disease and so many other unfortunate conditions that are in no short supply these days? And let’s not forget those promises made by God back then (Ex. 15:26 and 23:25; Deut. 7:15) that He would remove all those sicknesses and diseases...and how we have even ‘better promises’ made to us today. (Heb. 8:6; James 5:13-16). Keep in mind though, all these people Jes
  Jesus healing people from their afflictions - like physical ailments, diseases, sicknesses, along with emotional and mental challenges and torments, is over-rated. It’s not really that big of a deal.   Do what?  Yeah...I asked the same things as I was heading out yesterday morning to go take pictures at a local school when that thought was impressed upon me. Say again?   I was thinking about that passage from Matt. 9 where we saw how Jesus ‘went about all the cities and villages’...and not only was He teaching and preaching (something we in the church world know all about), but He also was found to be “healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” (9:35). That would be something unfamiliar and seen in our churches today.   If you have been reading along with me here, I referred to a couple of promises that God had made to His people when they were coming out of Egypt back where we read in the book of Exodus. They were some rather impressive promises at that...regardin
  Have you ever watched a young child attempt to accomplish some task, perhaps even tying their shoes, yet were growing increasingly frustrated over their multiple failed attempts? So you step in with the sincerest intentions of assisting them and they push you away, insisting they do it “all by myself!”    One of three scenarios usually follows...there are those who surrender in tears and come back to you for help. Others, you see later walking around with untied shoelaces flopping about everywhere; and then of course, there are those few who shuck the shoes and will just walk about without wearing those silly things.   Has it ever dawned on us that maybe that is what God did when He sent Jesus in to this world to set us free...and save us? But we just pushed Him away...and were unwilling to receive His help? (Matt. 23:37; John 5:40)  He did not come to make us feel worse about ourselves, nor did He come to condemn us and tell us what vile, worthless people we were.   He came to res
  There is a reason why I list so many scripture references in these daily postings. I have no problem pointing out to ‘fellow believers’ many of the passages that are laying right there in the ‘good book’ for us to see for ourselves. It’s not like I’m reading other books and commentaries (that are in no short supply these days) and quoting one personality over another. I simply give you a reference with the hope you will look it up and be just as amazed as I often am when I read something and say to myself: “Gosh...I never saw that one before in this light.” I will also add that if you are not looking up those verses yourself and letting God show you what He has to say about all we discuss here, then you are short-changing yourself in a serious way. Please consider taking the extra time to let His word speak to you.   And here’s one thing I found real freedom in: I don’t have to ‘prove’ any of this to anyone. God gave me a real release in that...sort of reminded me that it w
  So what all happened again...back in the wilderness that those descendants of Abraham did after coming out of Egypt that God was so mad about and kept pointing to as an example and warning for us today?   I think we might want to revisit that again given how often we come across references to all that. I even mentioned in yesterday’s post how three times in a span of those two chapters in Heb. 3-4 where we read: “Today....if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion in the day of trial in the wilderness...they always go astray in their hearts.” (3:7-10)   It really does take a lot to get God ‘angry’ to the point where He vows to pour out His wrath and refuse entry into those special places of rest and blessing that He has prepared for those who love Him. I takes a lot, given how He Himself declares to be ‘slow to anger’ and ‘full of mercy’. We are also reminded in that second commandment how He is a ‘jealous God, who ‘visits the iniquity of
  When we see something repeated over and over in scripture, it might be a beneficial thing for us to sit up and take notice as to what point is trying to be made. I mean, really....   Three times, there in Hebrews 3-4, there is a passage quoted for us to hear as in a warning for some reason. The quote is taken from Ps. 95 and it is the Holy Spirit that is bringing it to our attention in Heb. 3:7-8, 15, & 4:7 –   “Today, will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested Me and tried Me...”   The author here is pointing back to a very well documented event that took place not long after God delivered His people from the bondage they were held in under Pharaoh’s power back in Egypt.   This ‘rebellion’ that took place is also mentioned by Paul there in 1 Cor. 10:4-11 listing a number of ways in which the wrath of God came upon them for various acts of disobedience. And get this: Paul makes it
  From the best I can tell...nowhere in scripture can you find where Jesus ever instructed someone to just “try harder to do the best they can.”   You would be hard pressed to read where He might have added on this little gem of “I know you are imperfect and will continue to mess up and sin...but don’t worry...I still love you and have your back because you are My child.” (Oh, and for the record, when God told Paul- “My grace is sufficient for you”, it was not a sin issue that was being discussed. 2 Cor. 12:9)   But I can show you in your bible where Jesus said this: “You shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matt. 5:48)   I can point out a couple of places where Jesus told some individuals to “Go, and sin no more”, adding on this warning to one of them: “or else something worse may come upon you.” (John 8:11; 5:14)   And while it is a popular and widely believed message today, this idea of one being able to walk down some church aisle and repeat some words in a
  Do you have a dream invention you are still waiting on to be produced? I do. It’s a clothes dryer that not only dries the wet clothes that came out of the washer, but it neatly folds them as well, including pairing up all the socks. When that buzzer goes off, you just open the door and remove the nicely stacked pile of freshly clean and folded clothes and put them away. I’d pay good money for that.   Now suppose someone did indeed invent such a machine; and I lined up and paid good money to purchase it. I have it delivered, hooked up, read the instructions and wait for the first load to come out. Now when they do, I’m a bit puzzled because the dry load of clothes looks just like any other load of dry clothes that came out of any other drier we’ve owned before. What gives? I paid good money for this?  I can assure you this...I am not going to just shrug my shoulders and say...”well gosh...there’s a reason for everything. I’m just thankful the clothes are dry.” What the manua