“When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd”. (Matt. 9:36) 
 We read there in the preceding verse that He, Jesus, “went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” (35). 

When did God change? He hasn’t. (Mal. 3:6). He is...the ‘same yesterday, today, and forever.’ (Heb. 13:8) 

 I think it is a fair question to ask...How do God’s sheep...end up in such a pitiful condition where they are afflicted with sickness and disease and so many other unfortunate conditions that are in no short supply these days? And let’s not forget those promises made by God back then (Ex. 15:26 and 23:25; Deut. 7:15) that He would remove all those sicknesses and diseases...and how we have even ‘better promises’ made to us today. (Heb. 8:6; James 5:13-16). Keep in mind though, all these people Jesus was healing...they were still under that old covenant. 

 There are multiple answers to that. For example...there is a lot of misguided and bad teaching today. Ezek. 22 & 34 along with Jer. 23 will offer up much insight if you care to explore further. And why did God say His people are ‘destroyed’? (Hosea 4:6) 

 Pride, was one reason offered up by Jeremiah 13:15-17 as to why the “Lord’s flock was taken captive’. We could spend much time discussing that subject alone...and most likely will at some point. But pride can be boiled down to us thinking we know better than God, and how we are ‘always right’. That has always been the downfall of man, it seems. It was Lucifer who let pride get the best of him and a one way ticket out of heaven along with a third of the angels he had convinced to follow him. (Rev. 12; Isa. 14). We are told that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6) 

 How did Jesus describe those ‘sheep’ there in Matt. 9? - as being ‘weary and scattered’. What was the invitation made by Jesus in Matt. 11:28-29...about ‘come unto me all you who are weary and heavy burdened...and I will give you rest’? Yet, we are later told that we were ‘not willing’, to come to Him on His terms and conditions. (Matt. 23:37; John 5:40) 

 Then, there is of course, that very unpopular and uncomfortable topic of ‘sin’ and how it is the main source of our suffering. Hence, Paul warning us to ‘give no place to the devil’ (Eph. 4:27) because we know what the devil comes to do – steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10). Or, as Peter said, ‘to devour’. (1 Pet. 5:8). He also warned us to be on guard and sober-minded and alert as well to this ‘enemy who goes about like a roaring lion’. 

 Sin ...gives place, to the devil. (Guess what Jesus came to set us free from? (John 8:34-36) 

 Remember that man Jesus healed in John 5? Lame and afflicted for 38 years, Jesus asked him: “Would you like to be made well?” (6). Odd question, is it not? 

 So Jesus heals him and he ‘takes up his bed and walks’. (8-9). Nice ending for sure. A little later, Jesus runs in to him in the temple and offers up this nugget of advice: “See...you’ve been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” (14) 

 Yeeaaah...we get a bit uncomfortable around that one, do we not? 

 I bet you have heard the verse that talks about how ‘all we like sheep have gone astray’. (Isa. 53:6) It’s a thing we humans do, you know, despite the constant warnings we find in scripture. (Heb. 2:1; 3:12-13) 

 And are you familiar with these words found in Ps. 119:67-71 where he wrote “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word...I will keep Your precepts with my ‘whole’ heart...I delight in Your law...it is good for me that I have been afflicted...that I may learn Your statutes.” 

 You do notice that all I am doing here is sharing passages right out of your bible, yes? 

 We have talked about this before, but Satan and his minions...are the ones who carry out God’s wrath ...curses...and judgements. (Ps. 78:49-50). God could easily remove them all from the earth but has not. And do you know what else God does? He provides protection, as in a ‘hedge’ for those who abide in Him. You have read here before that those who are abiding in Him, no longer continue to practice sin. (1 John 3:6,9). Hence, John writing there in chapter 5- “we know whoever is born of God does not sin...and the wicked one does not touch him.” (18) 

 Now here’s something interesting...straight out of our bibles. - 1 Cor. 5...gives us some insight to the way the church was instructed to deal with ‘sin issues’ that had arose. It would seem that the church membership was glorying in their ‘non-judgmental manner’ by ignoring the situation. Paul took exception to this and rebuked them for ignoring it...warning that a ‘little leaven leavens the whole loaf’. Sin spreads. (The overwhelming majority of most church folks probably admit to sinning on a regular basis...and really don’t seem too concerned about it...given...’nobody’s perfect’.) 

 And since there seemed to be little, if any indication of remorse or repentance on the guilty party, much less the congregation…Paul said to ‘hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh…so that…his spirit might be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus.” (5). Guess what? He must have come around and repented after being ‘handed over to Satan’ there for a bit. We don’t know what all happened to him, but the punishment given made an impact as Paul wrote in his second letter to them they needed to now embrace and receive him back extending grace and forgiveness to him. (2 Cor. 2:3-11). In fact, Paul warns them that failure to forgive would open the door to Satan once again...to them, given that was one of his common devices for Satan to use. (11). I believe Jesus gave us some interesting insight to this as well in Matt. 18:32-35. 

 Oh, you might also make note this was not the only time Paul addresses this idea of ‘handing one over’ to Satan as a form of punishment. (1 Tim. 1:20) 

 At some point in going down this path of study, you probably sense some discomfort settling in because we all, for the most part, have been fed ‘another gospel’ most of our lives that has taught us this ‘loving and merciful God would never do things like this’...as in ‘punish us’ or ‘allow the enemy’ to come in and ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. Hence, the tendency we have to just skim over so many of these verses I have been pointing out because they simply do ‘not fit’...with the way we have always believed. And we sure could not have been wrong now, could we?! You realize that is ‘pride’ talking when you are convinced you are right despite...what God has to say about the matter. 

 So how does one process Paul’s comments there in 1 Cor. 11:27-32 when he was addressing their ‘eating the bread and drinking the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner’? Once again, we are told to ‘examine ourselves’ (28; 2 Cor. 13:5). Failure to do so had led to these consequences: “Many are weak and sick among you and many sleep (died)’. Now continue on to the next verse: “But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.” (32). You do read that there in your bible as well, do you not? 

 Again...I understand the discomfort you may be feeling right now. All I know to do is point you to all those ‘other verses’ in our bibles we have been conditioned to ignore or dismiss because they don’t fit with our man-made doctrines. We are guilty of doing the same thing those Pharisees did in Mark 7...by ‘laying aside the word of God’ and teaching as doctrines, the traditions of men. (8,9,13). And please try not to rush ahead here and jump to a bunch of conclusions. The Holy Spirit is really trying to enlighten us all to some pretty amazing truth from the Word...and it really does get better. Remember, Jesus did not come to condemn us...He came to save...rescue...deliver and yes...even heal us...just like He did with all those ‘wandering, scattered, and afflicted sheep’ we read about in Matt. 9:34-35. 

 Please turn and read/mark Acts 10:38 – God...anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit ... AND....with power. He went about doing good and healing ALL who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Is that not what we saw Him doing there in Matt. 9:35-36? 

 Now....get this: We are told that Jesus was the ‘firstborn of many brethren’. (Rom. 8:29). Those who are being conformed into His likeness and image...have been called to do the same things Jesus did on the earth. This ‘same power’ was handed off to the early church to Continue...this ministry of setting captives free and healing all who are oppressed by the devil. Need some scripture proof? Try John 14:12-14 and 20:21 for starters, You might throw in the Book of Acts as well. ;-) 

 As I shared yesterday, the modern day ‘church’ seems to be rather ‘short on power’; but there is no shortage of words, words, and more words and activities and really talented worship services. And let’s not forget all those other words, and books, and devotionals, and commentaries and more words. (Rev. 12:15) 

 Which really makes Paul’s statement stand out there in 1 Cor. 2:4 where he said “my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom/intellect, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” 

 Tomorrow....Lord willing...we will look at scripture that will most likely explain why we are deficient in the genuine power of God being manifested today. You may find it enlightening, as well as...convicting. Please hang with me...this is gonna be good...for those who truly love Jesus. ;- )


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