Do you have a dream invention you are still waiting on to be produced? I do. It’s a clothes dryer that not only dries the wet clothes that came out of the washer, but it neatly folds them as well, including pairing up all the socks. When that buzzer goes off, you just open the door and remove the nicely stacked pile of freshly clean and folded clothes and put them away. I’d pay good money for that. 

 Now suppose someone did indeed invent such a machine; and I lined up and paid good money to purchase it. I have it delivered, hooked up, read the instructions and wait for the first load to come out. Now when they do, I’m a bit puzzled because the dry load of clothes looks just like any other load of dry clothes that came out of any other drier we’ve owned before. What gives? I paid good money for this? 

I can assure you this...I am not going to just shrug my shoulders and say...”well gosh...there’s a reason for everything. I’m just thankful the clothes are dry.” What the manual and the glitzy ads...clearly stated...differs greatly...from what I ended up with. Would You...settle for that and be content? 

 Why do we ‘settle’...when it comes to things that matter most? Things like your soul, and eternity, and God’s word and such. Any idea where that spirit of indifference comes from? 

I used an illustration one time along these same lines where you purchase a new car with all these promised ‘add-on’ features that you paid extra for. As you drive off the lot, you begin to try some of these ‘features’ and find they don’t even work. Why even the sound system is silent and the car seems to be riding ‘rough’. Do you just tell yourself all that marketing was ‘too good to be true’ and so just be content and grateful you even have a car to drive in? Or do you turn around and go back to the dealer to get some answers or explanation? 

 Here's the real question you need to ask while driving back to the dealership: If none of these other things are working the way they are ‘suppose’ to work, why would you be confident that the brakes will work properly when it matters the most? (Please read that again) 

 It’s usually the tough questions...that create discomfort for us...that usually lead to shutting down conversations in a variety of settings...and we then retreat to other places not wanting to face...truth. 

 I don’t know about you, but speaking personally here now...I don’t mind some long as we are staying in and on...the word of God. There is no shortage of verses in this book that will ‘prick’ and ‘jab’ and ‘divide soul and spirit’ given how quick and sharp and powerful God’s word is. (Heb. 4:12). And do you know what it is about God’s word that creates that sense of discomfort? It usually has to do when it comes against something else...that we have believed and allowed to capture our heart as ‘truth’ when it fact, it may not be truth; or just ‘half-truth’. 

 We are no longer talking about fancy dryers and luxury car features now; we are talking about your soul. 

 If you were told that the bible says that all you need to do is ‘confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead and is the Son of God’, and now a place in heaven awaits you and nothing can change that; good for you. Then, to add to that, you were taught you need not worry anymore about ‘end time tribulations’ because Jesus is going to sweep down and just carry you off with millions of others who believe just like you before things get real bad...then great. Hang your hat of hope on that. I’m not here to change your mind or burst your bubble of faith. 

 But what I am going to continue doing is point out some ‘other verses’ in that same book that you might want to examine more closely as well. And no doubt, they will create some discomfort if they don’t jive with what you have been taught to believe. And the truth of the matter is...if these are not working for you now...why be so confident that those other ‘parachute promises’ will ‘work’ when you need it most? Stepping over into eternity would not be the ideal time to be muttering words like ‘Ooops’. 

 As I have stated all along, I’m not here to debate the issue as to who is ‘saved’ or not, or what one has to do to ‘get saved’. But I will keep pointing to His word and borrow Paul’s line from 2 Cor. 13:5 and say: “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless you indeed fail the test?” 

 In other words, are you abiding in Him? Can we all agree that there could be no better place for any sincere believer to be other than...abiding in Jesus? If you are, then there will be no shortage of good fruit being produced...that HE...will be producing in you. Fruit that remains, I might add. This will not only show you to be a true disciple, but this is also how you glorify the Father in heaven. (John 15:5-8,16) And if there is any question...Jesus threw this curve ball into the mix by saying that ‘a good tree cannot bear bad fruit’. (Matt. 7:18). His words, not mine. 

 Let’s say that you attend a church that does not believe in this ‘speaking in tongues’ business, or maybe you have no idea what that even means let alone ever heard about it; then I would imagine that reading what Paul said might create some discomfort or even confusion? - Things like: “I wish you all spoke with tongues....I thank God I speak in tongues more than you all...and do not forbid anyone to speak with tongues.” (1 Cor. 14:5,18,39). But I’m not here to talk about ‘speaking in tongues today. 

 If I pointed out where Jesus made mention that even entertaining thoughts of adultery in your heart made you guilty of committing it, or calling someone a ‘fool’ would put you in danger of the fires of hell...that tends to make us squirm. (Matt. 5:22,28). But I’m not here to talk today about adultery and name calling. 

 Dare I mention that if a person is truly abiding in Jesus...that they will ‘walk just like Jesus walked’ and ‘no longer sin’ because they have been ‘born of God and His seed is in them and they cannot sin’? (1 John 2:6; 3:6,9). I’m pretty familiar already with what kind of response those passages get...but I’ll sidestep them today. 

 To be honest with you here, I’m feeling compelled to venture in to another subject that even creates a sense of unease for me, and for various reasons. But I am also reminded that I need not be anxious nor fear God’s word which is right there in black and white for us to read. (And red as well if you have one of those bibles). 

 This will be my third day in a row to touch on James 5:13-16. Now keep in mind, the book of James can be a bit brutal because he really takes to task all these professing believers who are exhibiting a ‘dual nature’ and are ‘double-minded’...going as far to call them ‘adulterers’. (4:4) 

 He exhorts them (us) to get serious about humbling ourselves, resisting the devil, and repenting before God with the hopes that the grace of God will ‘lift us up’. (4:6-10). And then...after some more exhortations about not grumbling against one another (5:9) and making sure our hearts are established...he asks this question: “Is anyone among you suffering? anyone among you sick?” (5:13-14). I have no doubt that James is asking these questions with sincere intentions of compassion and concern. Because he then offers the solution to bring about change if you are indeed suffering....or sick. 

 Can I just tell you here and now, that most people do not truly enjoy...suffering or being sick. It is not something they relish in, nor want to continue experiencing and living in, ... do you? If you are sick...or suffering...or it physical or mental or emotional...does your attention not perk up and want to know more when you hear this question asked: “Do you want to be made well? (John 5:6) Look what James directs you (us) to do if that is indeed the case- “call for the elders of the church, let them pray over you anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord and...the prayer of faith will...will...will save the sick, and the Lord will...will...will...raise him up.” (15) 

 How about that! What a promise. And if I read that correctly, the only other ‘condition’ I see there has nothing to do with ‘if it’s God’s will’ or ‘use of doctors and meds’; on the contrary, James admonishes for us to ‘confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.” (16). I don’t believe there are any footnotes or asterisks that suggest the healing will come after you die and go to heaven either. He flat out said...’the Lord the sick and raise them up’. 

 Anyone feeling some discomfort here yet...or hearing those voices whisper....’Now Tony!...’? 

Are you familiar with Ps. 103:2-3? It’s a good one. “Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives ALL your iniquities and heals ALL your disease.” 

 How many reading today believe...and praise God...that He truly forgives us of ALL of our sins? 

 How many reading today believe...that God truly heals us of ALL our diseases? (And it does not read nor imply that He ‘can’ heal....but that He ‘does’ heal.). I would think that if you are sick today...and suffering, that such a promise of a benefit like this would interest you greatly; even more so if it was a child or loved one of yours that was suffering. 

 I’m going to close with this one today: You are on a plane 10,000 feet in the air and are about to go skydiving. You have two parachute packs to choose from. One reads ‘Forgives all your sins’, the other...”Heals all your diseases’. Which parachute pack are you going with? I bet it’s the ‘forgives all your sins’ one, am I right? Do you know why we tend to select that one? Because we’ve seen to many fails with the other one in the past. Let’s go with the one that is not as ‘visible’ ...and hope it opens. 

 See you tomorrow?


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