There is a reason why I list so many scripture references in these daily postings. I have no problem pointing out to ‘fellow believers’ many of the passages that are laying right there in the ‘good book’ for us to see for ourselves. It’s not like I’m reading other books and commentaries (that are in no short supply these days) and quoting one personality over another. I simply give you a reference with the hope you will look it up and be just as amazed as I often am when I read something and say to myself: “Gosh...I never saw that one before in this light.” I will also add that if you are not looking up those verses yourself and letting God show you what He has to say about all we discuss here, then you are short-changing yourself in a serious way. Please consider taking the extra time to let His word speak to you. 
 And here’s one thing I found real freedom in: I don’t have to ‘prove’ any of this to anyone. God gave me a real release in that...sort of reminded me that it was not my responsibility to ‘prove or confirm His word’ to anyone. That was His job. He just compels me to point out all these passages for your further study and prayerful contemplation. Whether you choose to believe what He says or on you. I mean, Paul himself said that to those who don’t believe, this message of the cross and gospel was pure foolishness. those who do believe, it is...the power of God that works effectively in us. (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18; 1 Thess. 2:13) 

 Shall we continue? We left off yesterday in Ex. 23:20-33. It was a condensed version where God was giving them a quick overview as to what He was about to do, and where they were going. He included a pretty amazing promise there as well if you remember. God seemed to imply that He had jurisdiction or control over who got ‘sick’ or not; and not only did He promise them that He would remove all sickness from their midst if they would cooperate with Him, but He even promised that not one of them (women I have to assume) would ever miscarry or be barren. Not.One!

 I’m not sure why, but that just seems to be something we overlook and even dismiss too quickly at times. Maybe it’s just me and it could very well be part of my past ‘spiritual journey’ when back in the early 80’s, the ‘faith healing and prosperity message’ was pretty big then and I was being exposed to quite a bit of ‘teaching’ on these subjects. It was not hard for newly young and zealous converts, like myself back then, to get swept up in so much excitement as to how God was wanting to ‘raise up an army of warriors’ to go out and change the world for Jesus. 

 Much was expounded upon regarding this topic of health and healing and faith and promises. Can I just say that I heard a whole lot more than what I saw, in the form of ‘results’; at least in the circles I traveled in. I hesitate to use the expression ‘I got burned’ or ‘burned out’, but there is some truth to that when you continue to ‘believe’ for something and then see or experience different results. ‘Burning’ is how they ‘sear’ nerve endings so that those particular nerves no longer have ‘feeling’. No doubt, many have experienced similar scenarios themselves when it came to misguided teachings that have never been lacking in our ‘church’ world. Whether you are talking about God’s wrath, or ‘holiness’ or prosperity or healing or deliverance, etc., it’s not hard to become shipwrecked with unbalanced teaching from the word. I’d suspect there are many folks out there today who would agree with this. 

 You can become immune to the Word itself. In fact, our hearts can become hardened to the word when we refuse it or reject it. Years ago, I heard an interesting analogy that suggested many today have become immune to the gospel, explaining that they heard ‘just enough’ to build up an immunity against it. The illustration was used as to how vaccinations are made and then they are injected in to our bodies so we can build up immunities against a particular virus. (too soon? lol ). Anyway, it made sense as so many sit on church pews today thinking they have ‘heard it all’ yet continue to resist the very word of God itself. Jesus ran into those types as well back in His day. (John 8:37-47; Mark 7:13) 

 So when I say I feel a bit of unease venturing in to this topic, it is mainly because of some past ‘scars’ where I grew a bit disillusioned. Seems more often than not, there was a reoccurring question we often found ourselves asking...and it was “Why did they not get healed?” And there were plenty of ‘spin doctors’ out there to provide a lot of words to ‘explain’ the answer to that question. They are still around today as well. (spin doctors, that is) 

Yet, years ago...oddly enough, this thought began to settle in me...that just maybe we were asking the ‘wrong question’. Instead of asking ‘why were all these people not being healed’, how about asking...’why is there so much sickness among those who are supposedly ‘in covenant’ with God? Especially with all these promises of being in a ‘better covenant’  today with better promises and all. (Heb. 7:22; 8:6)  And let’s not forget about James 5:13-16. 

 But as we all know, the word of God can bring division and separation; not to mention a great amount of unease and discomfort. So like we do often when faced with uncomfortable subjects, we side-step or avoid them all together. And when we end up lacking good information or knowledge, we can suffer greatly for it. (Hosea 4:6). 

 As I have stated before, being ‘sincere’ is not a badge of honor. Plenty of folks can be ‘sincere’ and still be ‘sincerely wrong (Rom. 10:2). I don’t know about you, but for all that I have seen, experienced, and stumbled into, I know God is still God, His truth is truth, and I am willing to let Him bring clarity and understanding as He brings light and order out of the chaos of darkness. And He seems to be doing that these days for me which is why I remain compelled to share with you all that I am learning myself. :- ) 

 So....what exactly happened to that first generation of folks who came out of Egypt that we were talking about the last day or two? Well, for starters, they were more talk than they were action.(Ex. 24:7) Good thing that doesn’t happen anymore today, right? 

 God laid out His plan in brief to them there in Ex. 23:20-33. It came with some impressive assurances. There was this piece of land that was their inheritance and He was going to lead them in to possess this land. He also gave them a heads up that there were some bad folks inhabiting that land but no need to be concerned...if they just followed Him and did what He instructed, all would go well for them. 

 The ’connecting application’ here for us today is pretty clear and simple, it seems. God sent Jesus to deliver us from the sin and darkness and power of our enemy in this world today (our Egypt). He didn’t come to condemn us; He came to save us. (John 3:17; Acts 26:18). And we have a ‘land to possess’ ourselves. But it is our defiled and defective hearts that need to be cleansed and purified; Not...some piece of real estate over in the Middle East. (Mark 7:21-23; Jer. 17:9). He came to purify our hearts and conform us into His image and likeness. (Rom. 8:29). But we still have to cooperate with Him and do what He says. (Heb. 5:9; Luke 6:48; Matt. 7:21). 

 Easier said, than done. Just like it was with those folks back in the wilderness. 

 We read in Numbers 13-14 of the great rebellion where they ultimately ‘crashed and burned’. The people had drawn close to the Jordan River...God was getting ready to lead them in and it was suggested they send 12 men to spy out the land...get a lay of the land, as we might say. Moses thought this was a good idea too so 12 were selected and they were gone for about 40 days. I’ll let you read of that account in those two chapter later if you would, but in short, after they returned...things got ugly. 

 They did indeed agree that the land seemed to be wonderful as promised and they even brought some tasty samples back. But...those ‘other people’ on that land looked intimidating and big and strong and the majority of those spies made it clear...there was no way they could ever go up against such a people who were stronger than them. (Num. 13:28-31). Yet, what had God already made clear to them in Ex. 23:31? 

 God said one thing; and they said just the opposite: “Nope...ain’t gonna happen. No way can it happen.” Imagine having the audacity to call God a liar, which is what they were in effect, doing. 

 Upon hearing this conflicting and ‘negative’ report, we read there in Num. 14:1-4 how the whole congregation ‘lifted up their voices and cried out in dismay and wept all night and complained and wished they were still back in Egypt or better yet, dead. Then they reasoned amongst themselves and wanted to select leaders to take them back to Egypt. (4) 

 We then read how Moses and Aaron fell on their faces and were besides themselves. Now what? Yet...Joshua...and Caleb stood up before all the congregation to speak. They were two of the 12 men who went in to spy out the land...and they had a different perspective. They had the audacity to agree with what God has said and in essence, said...”We Can Do the grace and power of God!” We’ve Got this, is how we might say it today. (6-9) 

 Do you know how that inspiring speech was received? – “And all the congregation said to stone them with stones.” (10) 

Two quotes you may have heard before regarding ‘history’ go like this: “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” And, ‘the only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history’. I often ask here, “When did God change?” He hasn’t. (Mal. 3:6). Guess doesn’t change much either. And if we fail to learn from what happened to those folks in the wilderness, we too, will be destroyed as they were (Acts 3:22-23; 1 Cor. 10:4-11). Maybe that’s why Heb. 4:1 says we better fear...lest we come up short in doing what God wants of us to do..which is to go in and 'possess the land'. Tomorrow?


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