[You might want to read yesterday’s message before you take this one on today.]

We are examining what the Bible has to say about unclean spirits and the varying ways in which they operate and manifest . I mentioned in closing the other day, asking if we were aware that demon spirits had most likely ‘infiltrated’ many, if not the majority of churches today. That really should not surprise us because Jesus warned us to beware of ‘false teachers’ who would come to us “in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matt. 7:15). I’m pretty sure he was not suggesting these teachers had hairy, 4-legged dog-like animals inside them.

Paul would later warn the believers at Ephesus to ‘take heed to yourselves and the flock’...and that after he departed from them, ‘savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock’ (Acts 20:28-29). Again...I think we are safe to conclude he’s not warning of four-legged predators being on the loose. If you take a quick look at 2 Cor. 11, we read where Paul expressed concern that we might be deceived in the same manner Eve was back in Gen. 3. He then points out how easily we might fall victim to believing ‘another gospel’ or following ‘another Jesus’...and...get this: “receiving another spirit” (4). “Another spirit”...he said? So you mean there are ‘other spirits’ out there one could be duped into ‘receiving’ that is not...the ‘Holy Spirit’ of God? (1 Tim. 4:1)

We know Paul came preaching the ‘true gospel’ of Jesus so that we might ‘turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God...’ (Act 26:18). And I feel compelled to point out that while he was doing this in one city...that a ‘certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met them...and she would follow them around...”crying out: ‘These men are the servants of the most High God who proclaim to us the way of salvation’.” (Acts 16:16-17) (You might want to file this example under the category of ‘religious spirits’ 1 Cor. 13:1-3)

Paul was not impressed; in fact we read that he grew ‘greatly annoyed’ and then turned and ’said to the spirit: I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!” (18) And that spirit came out which then really stirred things up in town, if you care to read on.

And what about all those folks we read about in Matt.7:21-23 who claimed they were doing all kinds of great things in the name of the Lord...even ‘casting out demons’. What did Jesus tell them in vs. 23? – “I never knew you!” So one might ask...what was really going on there if it wasn’t God working in/through them? Hmmmm

Didn’t Jesus warn us in Matt. 24 how ‘many would come in His name deceiving many’? So look at what Paul points out there back in that same chapter of 2 Cor. 11 talking about ‘false apostles and deceitful workers’ (13) and why we should not be surprised by this: “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light’...and ‘his ministers (angels) also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness’ (14-15). Does anyone sense a ‘theme’ unfolding here?

And let’s not forget how Paul wrapped up his letter to the Ephesians in chapter 6...making the case to drive home this point: We are not contending with ‘flesh and blood’, so it might be a good idea to stop looking at people you don’t like or agree with as the ‘enemy’. He lays out in great detail what it is we are having to contend with, explaining how these ‘forces of darkness and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies’ tend to operate. Why he even teaches there how God has given us ‘armor’ to wear in this battle against the ‘schemes of the devil’. (6:10-20). And just what are all those ‘fiery darts of the wicked one’ he refers to in vs. 16?

Is anyone else getting the sense that maybe we might want to consider turning off that TV for a while...and/or laying aside many of those ‘distractions’ we get lost in and perhaps spend some more time getting back into our Bibles to learn more? Is it any wonder we continue to see God’s people...’destroyed for a lack of knowledge’? (Hosea 4:6)


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