If a close friend or a beloved family member handed you the keys to their car before you went in a restaurant for dinner, concerned that they might ‘drink too much’, could you in good faith hand those keys back to them at the end of the evening if it became apparent they had drank way too much and were in no condition to drive?
I think (or hope) I know the answer to that question that most of us would give.
So now I have to ask... how many sincere ‘believers’ today have continued to remain in ‘captivity’ to various sins...and yes...perhaps, even... ’unclean spirits’... because they were taught to believe they would always remain... ‘a sinner saved by grace...and would continue to always sin on this side of heaven’? Has it dawned on you yet that ‘sin’ is what ‘gives place...to the devil’? (Eph. 4:27)
We have seen over the past week how these ‘spirits’ can affect the way we think and blind us from the truth of God’s word; truth I might add...that was sent to set us free. (John 8:32-36; Ps. 107:20; 2 Cor. 4:3-4)
So why have so many desperate prayers from sincere, well-meaning believers ...seemingly gone ‘unanswered’ by God when they begged Him to ‘deliver’ them from various bondages and sinful habits and compulsions, etc.? Friends...I would submit to you today that it would be for the same reason you would he reluctant to hand the keys back over to a drunk friend, knowing full well that the outcome of giving in to their tearful pleas would not be good for anyone. And I would submit the passage found in Matt. 12:43-45 as ‘evidence’. You might go read that now.
Look what happened to that man whom had an unclean spirit removed from him, and while on the surface it appears his life was ‘cleaned up a bit’...for one reason or another, when that ‘unclean spirit’ came back, he found access, or an ‘opening’ back into his life. And not only did that spirit come back in, but we are told by Jesus that he ‘brought with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself’...so that the condition of this man...in the end, was far much worse, seven times actually, than his condition was in the beginning.
I’ll give you a moment with that information. (Lev. 26:13-25)
When we read the story found in John 5:1-14, we see how Jesus healed a man who had been in a bad way ...for 38 years. Please note in verse 9 how quickly this healing took place in: “immediately...the man was made well and took up his bed and walked”.
What did Jesus tell this man later on when He saw him in the temple? Jesus affirms...”you’ve been made well...now go...and sin no more...lest a worse thing come upon you.” Jesus told an adulterous woman who was about to be stoned...something similar: “I’m not here to condemn you...now go...and sin no more.” (John 8:11)
Sadly, we don’t even teach that anymore, let alone believe that anyone can even do that...’sin no more’. In fact, we have convinced untold multitudes of sincere converts that they will do just the opposite and always be ‘sinners who sin’. (Matt. 23:15)
I have a hard time believing that Jesus would instruct...or command...any of us to do something that He thought would be ‘impossible’ for us to do. (Matt. 5:48; 19:26; Phil. 4:13)
Friends...for all those of you who have been rejoicing over all the alleged ‘fraud’ that has been exposed back there in Washington D.C....can I just tell you it pales in comparison to the ‘fraud being taught in many of our churches today? And God is calling His people out of the deception (Rev. 18:1-5; 2 Cor. 6:17-18; 1 Pet. 2:9-11 & 1:14-17).
Let me be clear and as concise as I can possibly be here in closing today: I don’t care what ‘spiritual bondage’ or ‘fleshly compulsion/sin’ you have struggled with or been enslaved to for years and have failed to truly ‘overcome’... I’m here to tell you in the name of Jesus Christ that you can indeed be completely free of any and all sins that have plagued your life. And if you truly want to ‘be made well’ (John 5:6)...it will cost you, for sure. You can’t even begin this process of being ‘sanctified’ and set free until you are willing to lay it all down at His feet; and I mean everything...your whole heart...in surrender. That message has never changed. (Luke 10:25-28;Mark 10:21)
And I don’t know who needs to hear this, but this kind of freedom and healing won’t even require you to have ‘hands laid on you’ by some big-named ‘power preacher’. I am continuously being reminded by the Holy Spirit that “He sent His word...and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions.” (Ps. 107:20; Matt. 8:5-8)
But please know this: God means what He says...and He is ready and willing to ‘confirm His word with signs following’ (Mark 16:20). But if you tell Him that you are ready to surrender your whole heart to Him...He will test your heart for sure. (Deut. 8:2; 1 Thess. 2:4). And remember...God is for you...and through Him, you can do ‘all things’. (Phil. 4:13; John 15:4-5).
It will require though...you ‘handing the keys over’ to Him...and you getting out of the ‘driver’s seat’ and yielding to His Spirit...whole-heartedly. Anything short of that will not have the outcome you have been praying and seeking for. This...I can assure you.
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