When a person comes to Jesus with all their heart, a genuine and supernatural transformation begins to take place. And you will know it, I promise. It doesn’t take a ‘running start’ either, to become made aware of this change, nor will one need to be convinced that something has happened to them by repeating over and over some phrase or Bible verse, as if ‘positive thinking/confession’ plays a role in one’s conversion.

Now that’s not to say being with other like-minded believers for encouragement is not important or beneficial, because it is indeed. (Heb. 3:12-13; 10:24-25;Acts 2:42-47). But make no mistake about this: “IF...the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Rom. 8:11). And I cannot stress enough the importance of ‘coming to Him’ (with all your heart) in order to receive this new life. (John 5:39-40; 2 Cor. 3:16)

If a curious ‘seeker’ was to ask ‘How will I know...that God has come in to my life?’, I would respond in the same way in which I would if a young teen or adolescent was to ask: “How will I know when I’m ‘in love’?” With a reassuring smile...my answer would be the same: “Oh...you will know!”

Jesus taught us that unless one is ‘born again...of the water and Spirit, they cannot see nor enter...the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3,5)

So how will you know? Well, your affections begin to change, as will your interest and hunger. Entering in to His kingdom, one becomes aware that His kingdom indeed...is ‘not of this world’. (John 18:36). All of a sudden, His word begins to ‘open up’ to your understanding as you crave it and begin to consume it, so that you may ‘grow thereby’. (1 Pet. 2:2-3; Luke 24:32,45). And may I place the emphasis on God’s word, as in the Bible, that you will crave as it will 'work In you (1 Thess. 2:13).

Yes, there will be plenty of ‘distractions’ and ‘temptations’ as you learn to recognize His voice, and follow Him. (John 10:27; Rom. 8:13-14; Mark 4:19). And you will learn quickly how to shut those distractions out as you ‘set your mind on things above and not on the earth’. (Col. 3:2). Have you ever been in a car with open windows and the moment you close them, you are immersed in blissful silence? Yeah...that’s what happens when you begin to ‘bring in to captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ’. (2 Cor. 10:5). Learning to ‘resist the devil’ goes a long way as well (James 4:7)

This ‘abiding thing’ really is like driving a car as you stay focused on the road ahead and stay in your ‘lane’. And the consequences of veering or drifting ‘out of that lane’ into oncoming traffic is just as real, spiritually...I might add. Learning the ‘fear of God’ is not a bad thing given the gravity of what might happen when you fail to stay focused. But oh...the peace and joy that fills your heart when you close out those noises and keep your mind fixed on Him.(Isa. 26:3)

Now in the early days/stages of this new walk, you will learn quickly...that ‘veering out of your lane’ (or His lane) ...will bring an immediate awareness that ‘something happened’. It’s called the ‘chastening’ of the Lord (Heb. 12:5-12) and you will ‘lose that peace’ should you ‘sin’. Sin does that...it brings separation from God; not His love, but from His abiding presence.(Isa. 59:2; Rom. 8:38-39). And asking yourself if you are ‘still saved’ if/when you do ‘veer or drift’ is the wrong question to ask. (Heb. 2:1). There will be ‘condemnation’ that comes when you sin. (John 5:14) But “IF...we sin... (1 John 2:1)

This is where many have been taught wrong. We are quick to quote Romans 8:1 how “there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are ‘in Christ Jesus’...” and the KJV includes: “to those who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit”. (Also see Rom. 8:4). But notice how it clarifies to whom there is no condemnation for - Those who are ‘In Christ”... and those who are “in Him”... do what? (1 John 2:3-6; 3:6)

We been discussing of late this idea of what it means to actually “be...IN Christ”. This walk of faith and abiding in Him was not really set up where we are ‘in and out’ on a daily or ongoing basis. Many people seem to think this is ‘normal’, and have suffered the consequences of it. How many times does one need to stick their head out an open window as you drive down the highway in a hailstorm before you learn that is not beneficial? Yeah...chew on that one a bit...and meet me back here tomorrow. :- ) (Hosea 10:12; James 4:7-10)


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